Do you have time to make videos

I definitely have less time than I would like. I only have a couple of hours on weekends in term time, but I do manage to make a video most weeks, so I suppose it's enough time.
I make time. It's the only way to do it sometimes. Of course it depends on the type of videos you make but sometimes if you want to do something you have to make the time to do it.
With work and spending time for myself I can find it hard to get videos together unless I plan every bit carefully. Most times though I will stay up until stupid o'clock playing ganes with my mate and record it. Then over the next week go through all the footage in my spare time.
I would have plenty of time...BUT IM ALWAYS SLEEPING.

Lately I've got into a schedule which has helped alot, I use to feel like I had no time at all, but now I realise I have alot, I just need to use it wisely.
Im only at college for 2.5days of the week.
Which allows me to script and prepare videos all weekend. I usually have my Sunday video uploaded on the Friday (but scheduled for Sunday), which gives me Saturday and Sunday to script for next weeks videos!:D
Time I have loads of, but I have to feel like the idea I'm making into a video feels right on the day. & there is the issue of not having any friends or people near me who are comfortable on camera so I don't get to do challenges as much as I'd like... oh and of course, money. I've been looking into buying some props for a couple of videos but having no job makes the whole ordeal slightly impossible :/
That must be one of the best things about going to college there's more freedom.[DOUBLEPOST=1427405645,1427405628][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry to hear that.
Too little time nowadays. I've finally found a job so I only can do these stuff in the evening and during weekends. And I have to raise 2 children and I have to keep my wife happy.....
I fell like everyone has time to.
Including myself but i find it's just wanting to make a video.
I have to be in the right mood to create a video and to find a perfect time.