Camera shy

you didn't seem too nervous at all actually :p but honestly if you just fake it till you make it and not tell your viewers how nervous you were, it'll go unnoticed. if i had watched your video before i read your thread, i honestly wouldn't have noticed a thing haha.
alrighty :) but I probably wont make another one until i have enough lighting to actually USE the green screen behind me :)

I'm in a theatre program, which has been very helpful in building up my confidence with being on screen.

The best thing for me is when I record I remember that I can screw up as many times as I need to...

The more you do the more comfy you get with it.

But the video was good. you didn't seemed phased at all!
I'm extreamly camera shy too, that's why in my videos my voice becomes smaller haha, what I like to do is keep some music on in the background to distract me from the fact I'm talking into the camera. Also like lots of people mentioned the more you do, the easier it becomes :)