Am I The Only One?

I apologize to you Tarmack for flying off like that on you. And, yea this to me is something I love doing. Plus, it gives me a chance to learn how to edit videos and just be creative.[DOUBLEPOST=1376931764,1376931609][/DOUBLEPOST]And... because of your trailer Tarmack I have subbed you.
I apologize to you Tarmack for flying off like that on you. And, yea this to me is something I love doing. Plus, it gives me a chance to learn how to edit videos and just be creative.[DOUBLEPOST=1376931764,1376931609][/DOUBLEPOST]And... because of your trailer Tarmack I have subbed you.

lol, thanks very much.

I guess ultimately to me, it really comes down to a passion project that I feel with the right work can turn into a media career. I worked for BioWare in QA on contract for a bit, but I'm no programmer, can't draw to save my life and am no good with sound effects. So my options when it comes to working in the game industry are very limited.

It's certainly not magical, but between 3 separate YouTube projects that I'm a part of, I pull in about $300 monthly in addition to my full time job. I intend to be doing this professionally by Christmas next year and with the current state of growth, I might even be able to undershoot that.

That's why I have such an aversion to the YouTube hobby viewpoint that shows up here from time to time. There's certainly nothing wrong with doing it purely as a hobby, but by the same token there's nothing that says you can't want to make it your full time job.

My only problem is not my quality of videos, it's my knowledge of keywords effectively. My view counts are not the best and I'am still waiting for my buddy to finish up my channel trailer which he says is pretty epic so far.

I do games for the indie community solely because I love the Indie games that are made by people and I also go to Full Sail University where the gaming industry is pretty big there. I wish I could make money off YouTube and I'am working on getting a network to back me, which the one I have worked myself into their Director's Program have been really awesome and been really nice too. No term contract and you get a watermark and intro as well.
haha if i would care for money that much then i would be cleaning buildings for 12$/h instead

youtube is just a fun place for me
Well you are in a Partnership thread.... So pretty much everyhing thats going to be discussed is either Contract negotiations or money. People partner with networks for money and profit. It's a bussiness, I mostly even ignore all that BS that networks advertise about having excellent communities because the truth is everyone in a network is in it for the money. Some YouTubers will be quiter about money and networks while others will not shut the F up.
I do a video for fun and money too. My favorite part is editing but my PC sucks so I can't edit too much :( I hope I will get a new PC
I definitely dont plan to make youtube my job...
however I offer my music on bandcamp, but i give people the choice if to pay or not.
so money means almost nothing to me, or at least not everything, but would be a nice side effect and motivation.
Ive noticed that a lot and honestly i doubt many people form this forum including me will be able to sustain a youtube career and that is a reallistic view.

I enjoy making videos I enjoy telling people my views and hearing others. This forum is mostly filled with people that enjoy youtube and thats why i joined :D
Do not care about the money at all, but I care about views and comments and interacting with "fans", but when you lack that aswell... well.. it might be tough.
I mean, I can understand if you hit a viral video or two and then you just start pumping them out and get to a spot like pewdiepie or Toby. That is a chance like hitting the lottery though anymore, since basically everyone is doing the same thing you are.

Also look at this, especially anyone doing gaming... Gaming is so overdone because of the kids and all the people who just want to play games instead of work. I make decent videos and it's hard to keep up with the gaming situation on YouTube because of my financial restraints and not because I can't make decent videos.

It really is hard to make this into a job and if you come into YouTube with that mindset, then your not going to make it.