Am I The Only One?

If I cared about making money, I'd be very disappointed.

Here's how I look at it:

Last month, I earned $0.13 from YouTube. That's 13 cents I didn't have before.
I don't care about money. That's not why I'm doing youtube. Yes, my videos are monetized and I do make money from them, might as well, right? Haha. But I don't care if i make $500 on a video vs $0.01 on a video.
I don't think anyone was meaning to come off offensive.

People very rarely do. The issue here is the idea that passion and money are mutually exclusive which is patently false. I'm in it to make money, because I chose to do something that I have a passion for and want this to be my career for the next while. It's a tough road but IMO, people pushing for a career are more likely to work harder and produce higher quality content. I find the holier than thou YouTube should be about the community, not the money argument to be extremely offensive, as though they're somehow more noble than I am because of some misguided pride in how the hobby doesn't have a monetary return. Thus why I say it's horseshit. People get paid to do what they love to do all the time and YouTube is no different.
If you watch a video and like it and you get the entertainment value you wanted, why does it matter if the reason the video was made was for money or s***s and giggles?

I just don't understand this.

like if you watch a video that makes you laugh and then you found out that the reason the video was made was to make money, would you then stop laughing?
I don't think anyone was meaning to come off offensive.

No, by any means I wasn't. If I would have said something like "No, you will never make it." then yes. I wasn't though. I see nothing wrong with it at all, but in reality you are not going to take a chance to make something into a career that might or might not pan out.

Now, In Cj's case where he can not work then that's fine and I support him 100% and I support anyone's dream to hopefully one day make it a career, but in my situation I can't take that chance. ((Sorry, CJ, I know you have health problems to why you are doing the best you can with this on YouTube.))

I do this as a hobby, and if it comes down to making it big and can quit my job.. then so be it. Right now, that isn't the case and I have a child to support, so I don't have the luxury to sit back and dream.

Sorry, if that comes off offensively, but when someone gives me a hard time when I didn't do anything I tend to let loose. So, sorry about that Tarmack...
Sorry, if that comes off offensively, but when someone gives me a hard time when I didn't do anything I tend to let loose. So, sorry about that Tarmack...

The comment was more directed at the thread in general, not any one person. This topic comes up with some regularity and it always has an element of superiority towards the rose colored glasses of YouTube before monetization.
I don't really want YouTube to be my only job. I mean, it'd be cool as a hobby that earned me some side income, but I don't have the time to put into videos that would make me tons of money anyway.
I think it's one thing to dive into YouTube (or anything for that matter) with the sole purpose of making money, not caring about your fans (or customers). As your channel grow, that's even if it does. You find yourself getting involved into a great community, that's even if you do. If you could potentially see yourself POSSIBLY doing something like this for a career. I say go for it!

THAT does not equal, dropping everything your doing, quitting your job, and just hoping for the best. Common sense will tell you, that's not the best approach. Which is sad, because I've seen so many people literally have their lives ruined by doing this. Ones who now live in homeless shelters, which I've been there too, I've hit rock bottom. It wasn't because of YouTube or anything, though I know what it's like to live in my car outside of a gas station for six months.

As a hobby, YouTube is great, it's nice place for you to make friends, collab, and have fun. If you make some money on the side, that's awesome as well. Though, like I've stated in a previous thread of my own. If you go into YouTube in the business aspect, you have to treat it as such. Again, this doesn't mean it loses any of it's fun, it just means you are pursuing a somewhat different goals than others. I mean, in the end, our goal is to entertain others, enjoy what we're doing, and make friends along the way. It's true people lose sight of that, and I feel bad for them. My goal is to help as many people as I can, and aid them in making their dreams a reality as well.