Am I Mean and/or Unreasonable?

Idec Sdawkminn

Horror Versions
Kyle Sayle-Hughes started commenting on my videos 5 days ago. Here is one that makes me question how I come off as:

Him: Some shows I would like you to do :
The Simpsons
Tom and jerry
Rick and morty
And inveder zim please
Me: Good news, I already have most of those! Let me know how you like them.
The only one I don't have is Tom and Jerry. Do you mean Tom and Jerry Tales or The Tom and Jerry Show?
Him: Tom and jerry tales. Do you mind linking the videos because the list is a bit long
Me: I do mind, because it is also a long list for me to search for them. But since they are all TV show songs, they will all be in that playlist.
Him: thanks a lot! You do it for eneyone else
Me: Nope, everyone has to find them on my channel. If I can find them, anyone can.
Him: oh so what are the links you send to people
Me: If you read the comments that the links are part of, they explain what the links are. But just so you don't have to go look at something else again, they are links to either my list of upcoming videos or video ideas people have suggested. None of them link directly to the video they suggested.
Him: look, I am not a hater I like your videos. How do you make them? I'm sorry
Me: It's okay, I didn't think you were a hater. But I'm also not a search engine. It is just more work for me to look through the list, copy all the links, and paste them here than it is for you to look through the list. Plus you will probably find other videos you'd like to watch while you look through it. It's kind of like going to the store. You ask a person working there where the fruit is and they point you to the aisle. But they don't go and look through the aisle, find apples for you and bring them to you. I just have other things to do.
Him: it's OK I'm worthless eney way
Him: I found the videos
Me: You're not worthless. You just didn't want to look through a long list of videos. I can understand that. I didn't want to either. ;)
  1. I did find them in the list
  2. You do not want to live a day of my life.
  4. Can you please do green Hill zone
Me: I'm glad you found them. Thanks for watching my videos. And Green Hill Zone is already on my list of Video Ideas. You can see the list here: (url)
Him: Thanks I subscribed
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Ehh i dont think you were mean.. what you suggested was reasonable. Maybe how you worded a few things i can see it coming off a little cold but i think youre good. I can come off mean to people too sometimes ;]
Ehh i dont think you were mean.. what you suggested was reasonable. Maybe how you worded a few things i can see it coming off a little cold but i think youre good. I can come off mean to people too sometimes ;]
Yeah, I agree. I could've worded it better. I was also dealing with someone else trying really hard to convince me to make a new channel doing other types of videos and some of that spilled over into this conversation.
The only part to me that came off as unreasonable was when you put "i do mind" there's no need to be that abrupt with someone who likes your content, especially when you explain afterwards that it's easier for them to go to the playlist rather than you linking each individual video. It would have been easier to just say "since they're all in a playlist if you go to the playlist you'll probably find them a bit quicker than if i went to each one and linked it to you". It may be because i work in customer service but i found that part to be rude and unnecessary. It's better to say why you can't do something then offer the alternative as you later do rather than make a point of the fact that you won't.
Nope, doesn't sound mean at all. Mostly, I think people believe you're at their service just because you're on YouTube. I think you handled that well.
The only part to me that came off as unreasonable was when you put "i do mind" there's no need to be that abrupt with someone who likes your content, especially when you explain afterwards that it's easier for them to go to the playlist rather than you linking each individual video. It would have been easier to just say "since they're all in a playlist if you go to the playlist you'll probably find them a bit quicker than if i went to each one and linked it to you". It may be because i work in customer service but i found that part to be rude and unnecessary. It's better to say why you can't do something then offer the alternative as you later do rather than make a point of the fact that you won't.
Yeah, I can see your point. That's a quirk I have, where when someone uses a phrase in a question, like "do you mind?" I answer it because they asked me a question.
"Do you like broccoli?"
"Yes, I do."
"Did you go to the beach today?"
"No, I didn't."
"Do you want to stub your toe?"
"No, I don't want to."
"Do you mind giving me $10?"
"Yes, I do mind."

Even if I know they weren't thinking they were asking me a "yes" or "no" question, they literally still were, so I like answering such things that way. It sort of throws them off, but I didn't mean it in a rude way. It's clear that I need to be more careful with that.
Kyle Sayle-Hughes started commenting on my videos 5 days ago. Here is one that makes me question how I come off as:

Him: Some shows I would like you to do :
The Simpsons
Tom and jerry
Rick and morty
And inveder zim please
Me: Good news, I already have most of those! Let me know how you like them.
The only one I don't have is Tom and Jerry. Do you mean Tom and Jerry Tales or The Tom and Jerry Show?
Him: Tom and jerry tales. Do you mind linking the videos because the list is a bit long
Me: I do mind, because it is also a long list for me to search for them. But since they are all TV show songs, they will all be in that playlist.
Him: thanks a lot! You do it for eneyone else
Me: Nope, everyone has to find them on my channel. If I can find them, anyone can.
Him: oh so what are the links you send to people
Me: If you read the comments that the links are part of, they explain what the links are. But just so you don't have to go look at something else again, they are links to either my list of upcoming videos or video ideas people have suggested. None of them link directly to the video they suggested.
Him: look, I am not a hater I like your videos. How do you make them? I'm sorry
Me: It's okay, I didn't think you were a hater. But I'm also not a search engine. It is just more work for me to look through the list, copy all the links, and paste them here than it is for you to look through the list. Plus you will probably find other videos you'd like to watch while you look through it. It's kind of like going to the store. You ask a person working there where the fruit is and they point you to the aisle. But they don't go and look through the aisle, find apples for you and bring them to you. I just have other things to do.
Him: it's OK I'm worthless eney way
Him: I found the videos
Me: You're not worthless. You just didn't want to look through a long list of videos. I can understand that. I didn't want to either. ;)
  1. I did find them in the list
  2. You do not want to live a day of my life.
  4. Can you please do green Hill zone
Me: I'm glad you found them. Thanks for watching my videos. And Green Hill Zone is already on my list of Video Ideas. You can see the list here: (url)
Him: Thanks I subscribed

I don't think it's unreasonable at all, I think that you handled it really well.
I don't think you're being unreasonable. Or mean.

I know it's not the same thing as this situation but It's a pet peeve of mine when people ask the kind of questions that they literally could just Google. Why ask people on the internet what you can literally type into a search engine yourself? I'm not talking about general advice or opinions, but simple facts that can be looked up.
"If you have to ask"...
...then it means I observed something that caused me to question and I'm not arrogant enough to think that my perspective is the only one.
I know it's not the same thing as this situation but It's a pet peeve of mine when people ask the kind of questions that they literally could just Google. Why ask people on the internet what you can literally type into a search engine yourself? I'm not talking about general advice or opinions, but simple facts that can be looked up.
Yes, this is exactly what I as thinking of. This isn't the first person to ask me to "Google it" for them. I often give people the link to my list and then have them reply asking what position on the list it is. Maybe they don't know how to search on a phone, which is what most of them are using. In that case I search for their entry and tell them. But when people want me to give them links to my videos... dude... if you watch all of my videos, you're bound to have watched the one you wanted.
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