Advice for YouTubers with no motivation.

This is fantastic! I had a spell where I was super bummed and thought, man. Is it even worth doing? But just like you said, you got to keep pushing on. Who knows? Your next video may go viral and hit a million views!
This is fantastic! I had a spell where I was super bummed and thought, man. Is it even worth doing? But just like you said, you got to keep pushing on. Who knows? Your next video may go viral and hit a million views!

Yep, I can't tell you how many people I've seen give up, hopefully this helps at least a few people to stay motivated :)
I struggle with being motivated to upload... a lot.

I think it's one of the main reasons why people who were once serious about youtube... just stop uploading. They spend a few weeks or months working hard to create a brand and forget to enjoy themselves while doing it--and that's the key. You forgot why you started. You had content that you wanted others to see. You had a drive to share that content. You had an idea, or several, and you just started out of impulse. So what happened?

Why you've lost motivation

You had an idea that smacked you in the brain cells so hard you could feel an actual light-bulb forming above your head and... light up. You were excited, and now you're just... doing it. It's just a routine.

Ever caught yourself uttering "s**t I have to upload a video tomorrow", leading to stress, a killer rush to film, edit, render, upload, publish and advertise a video--and a finished product that was, quite honestly, sub par? You're doing something wrong. If you're not in a mindset where you have 'sparks' or 'omg that's such a good idea i need to write that downoihergaobioeboege' moments, then you just aren't as excited anymore, and that's okay--but drive comes from a good idea. An idea that you want to see come to life. I mean, if you don't want to see your own idea become a reality... who will?

How to get motivated

Here's a list of a few things I do when I find myself searching for ideas, or feel like giving up, simply because it's getting difficult...

  • Watch other youtubers
It could be the youtuber that motivated you to start YouTube in the first place, or anybody you used to watch--before you started doing your own stuff and got too busy to spend time on youtube (outside of just uploading and advertising.)
But don't just watch their recent videos, go back to a few years or months ago and analyze their video. Look at what they've improved and try and figure out why you want to watch their videos. Doing this, I find, brings me back in to the 'YouTubers' mindset, and sometimes even gives me a video idea. It motivates me to make better videos whenever I do this, and helps a lot with the quality too.

  • Do what you enjoy doing
While we are all going to have to sell our souls at some point, and make things we don't have as much fun making in an attempt to appeal to... everyone (within our niche), don't forget to continue doin' yo thang. Look at your very first video and think about the thought process, if any, went into that... and do it again.
  • Take a break
Think of this as a last resort. If you have seriously gotten to the point where you are dreading your next upload, to the point where it stresses you out, you need a well deserved break. If you feel like this every week... maybe it's time to consider handing in your notice?
Also make sure to tell your subscribers before hand, or even throw something really quick together to upload while you're taking 1 out of your 2 annual sick days as a YouTuber.

  • Every milestone counts
Reached 50? Great! 100? Awesome! 1000? Holy s**t why are you even reading this?!

Remember every subscriber is an actual person. They aren't robots. (Unless you paid for subs, in which case don't do that again it's bad.) They are individuals who saw your video, liked it, subbed, and come back for more every now and then. THAT'S AN ACHIEVEMENT. Even getting 15 subs (not even kidding) you've got something that people want to see! You're already better off than the people who will inevitably one day watch your videos and say "I can't believe this guy is making a living off making videos that's so unfair l0l d1kh34d".

  • Talk to your subscribers
It's hard getting your audience to interact. Start off with friends and family, unless you want to refrain from that, in which case just ask everyone to comment about something controversial or something everyone wants to have their say about. Every subscriber is a door to more subscribers, you just need to have a good goddamn conversation with that door until it'll... open itself for you?

That's nasty.

BUT MY POINT IS talking to your subscribers also gives you a confidence boost! These are your FANS. and interacting with them on a one to one turns your subscribers into a fan base. It's not all about your videos, it's about YOU.

1) Stalk some people you used to stalk, but this time with your youtuber goggles firmly attached to your face peepers.
2) Do the s**t you used to do that made you want to do this s**t that you're doing for a living in the first place.
3) Take some time to sit on your a** and watch some goddamn pulp fiction because everybody needs Samuel L. Jackson booty permanently burned into their retinas.
4) Be thankful for all the sheep you've brainwashed into coming back and watching every single one of your videos. They're pretty awesome. Apart from the fact that you know... they're sheep. Who likes sheep?
5) Seriously reply to each and every one of your fans. Push aside the fact that they're brainless herbivores whose only motives in life are to eat and die (they're sheep) and make some friends! They watch your videos because you either entertain them or they can relate to you in some way, so talk to them--they all have one thing in common, they're all here for you; so use that s**t.

Thanks for reading this guys ^_^ I mainly wrote this to help motivate me actually... I've been getting pretty bummy recently and I needed something to push me, and YTtalk has really done that. Y'ALL ARE AWESOME!

Well I'm just new to youtube and I often think that did I want to do this seriously or should I not do this seriously. Sometime I have that worry in my mind and watching other youtuber really motivate me all the time and it's really help me a lot
wow that motivated me to keep going. I recently just took a week break cause i was loosing intrest but after reading this i think i got it back. thank alot!