-15.000 views in 1 night!

i dunno man, it looks really odd, I mean you have 70k views and got less likes and comments them my vidos now which get around 700 views lol

Thats not the only video like that either, your telling me 70k people watched it and only 13 people put a rating?

Maybe that's because you just have a great fan base. Here is another video from my other channel.

Views: 1.387.369 Likes: 134 Dislikes: 204 Comments: 171

That also doesn't make any sense and I also didn't bot this one.

I know I want also a great fan base, but for some reason I don't get it. I ask for requests nobody gives one. They only comment when there is a contest, but they do watch every single of my videos. I started a Facebook page and Steam community group both over 100 people. We play games together, but still refuse to comment.
i dunno man, it looks really odd, I mean you have 70k views and got less likes and comments then my vidos now which get around 700 views lol

Thats not the only video like that either, your telling me 70k people watched it and only 13 people put a rating?

It might not be botting but its somthing which is not legit im 100% on that

Please dont take me for a fool though jsut checked another random one

17k views and 5 comments and 6 likes? right...

I'm pretty switched on and to me its blatent you are doing somthing non legit.

This is one with less views which is legit

Again its a huge differece, over 100 comments...

last im saying I know you are not legit man. No point trying to convince me lol

Yeah it looks odd, but I can't do anything against it. look at my new videos some of them have only 20 views with 6 likes and some already have 300 views with 2 likes. I can't control what other people like and comment. If I could I would like to have every comment of everyone good and/or bad.
And it's a shame that you don't believe me, because I make videos for fun, the money I get I use for giveaways, I help people when they have problems, and I game with people who watch my videos. Do you really think I want 70000 fake views? That's not why I joined youtube back in 2006 with a very old account. It was to make videos because I liked it. I still do it and it's just a shame that when something happens to my views people don't believe me.

For the last time I don't /didn't use bots, I only promote on my facebook, Website and twitter. I came to this site to get in contact with other youtubers, talk about youtube problems and maybe create a fan base, but what is the point of that when nobody believes me.
Maybe that's because you just have a great fan base. Here is another video from my other channel.

Views: 1.387.369 Likes: 134 Dislikes: 204 Comments: 171

That also doesn't make any sense and I also didn't bot this one.

I know I want also a great fan base, but for some reason I don't get it. I ask for requests nobody gives one. They only comment when there is a contest, but they do watch every single of my videos. I started a Facebook page and Steam community group both over 100 people. We play games together, but still refuse to comment.

I do have a great fanbase and I love them all. But I also know when someone is lieing lol. I dont think ALL your videos are botted (ud get found out) but I know some are. You know they are man, i dont know why ure saying this. YOu are doing somthing underhanded and its blatent. YOu cant get 70k views legitly and have no1 comment, the reaosn u get load sof views is because of people showing it to other people thus commenting and liking the content...
Yeah it looks odd, but I can't do anything against it. look at my new videos some of them have only 20 views with 6 likes and some already have 300 views with 2 likes. I can't control what other people like and comment. If I could I would like to have every comment of everyone good and/or bad.
And it's a shame that you don't believe me, because I make videos for fun, the money I get I use for giveaways, I help people when they have problems, and I game with people who watch my videos. Do you really think I want 70000 fake views? That's not why I joined youtube back in 2006 with a very old account. It was to make videos because I liked it. I still do it and it's just a shame that when something happens to my views people don't believe me.

For the last time I don't /didn't use bots, I only promote on my facebook, Website and twitter. I came to this site to get in contact with other youtubers, talk about youtube problems and maybe create a fan base, but what is the point of that when nobody believes me.

20 views with 6 likes and 300 views with 2 likes is normal 70k views with 10 likes, isnt! 70k view smeans its become popular and been past around ALOT. ie its either hugely liked or hugely disliked

ask someone else after all its only my opinion but as I said im no fool lol
20 views with 6 likes and 300 views with 2 likes is normal 70k views with 10 likes, isnt! 70k view smeans its become popular and been past around ALOT. ie its either hugely liked or hugely disliked

ask someone else after all its only my opinion but as I said im no fool lol

If you really think I use bots, why didn't I used a like bot?

Many of my videos get alot of views after a few months. That's with alot of my videos, first few months only 5 views per day than 10 than 20 than 50 and so on. It take 2-3 year for 70k views. Next time I will force people to leave a comment or like/dislike, I will ask youtube to make something that they can't leave the page until they press the like/dislike button.
If you really think I use bots, why didn't I used a like bot?

Many of my videos get alot of views after a view months. That's with alot of my videos, first few months only 5 views per day than 10 than 20 than 50 and so on. It take 2-3 year for 70k views. Next time I will force people to leave a comment or like/dislike, I will ask youtube to make something that they can't leave the page until they press the like/dislike button.

I dont know much about bots, but if you are gona make me guess. You probley found a site or somthing where you could get lots of vies for free. Seriosuly man it doesnt add up. Your new videos get little views and your old ones got thousands. Why would that be? If you was getting large views consistintly then you would have a viewer base watching your content.

We need someone elses opinion on this tbh lol. Im 100% sure somth dodgy was going on in ure older videos, your new ones are legit.
I dont know much about bots, but if you are gona make me guess. You probley found a site or somthing where you could get lots of vies for free. Seriosuly man it doesnt add up. Your new videos get little views and your old ones got thousands. Why would that be? If you was getting large views consistintly then you would have a viewer base watching your content.

We need someone elses opinion on this tbh lol. Im 100% sure somth dodgy was going on in ure older videos, your new ones are legit.

I think you're very wrong because youtube just added 6000 views again, AND NO I DIDN'T USE A BOT.
Now have 888882 views. They're maybe just putting it right again. I still hope it's the update from the livestream notification on my page, but I do want to know what other people think of it. Do you really think it's strange in 3 years I have like 8 videos of the 200 that are getting alot of views, but sadly not much comments/likes? (The videos are special of classics, modification or have copyrighted music in it (I know my bad))
70k views and like 5 comments and its the same with all of them. If it was jsut one i wouldnt of thought twice, but if its on all its like why just your channel has this happening and no1 elses lol. Would be good to hear someone elses opinion though
70k views and like 5 comments and its the same with all of them. If it was jsut one i wouldnt of thought twice, but if its on all its like why just your channel has this happening and no1 elses lol. Would be good to hear someone elses opinion though

It's 68K views with 47 comments and 23 likes and 4 dislikes. Last comment is 2 months ago and when I changed the thumbnail less people watched the video that could conclude that people watch the video from the bar on the right, and don't click on a new thumbnail and it's only with the top 7 or something not the other 193. Before saying someone is a botter please get your facts straight. I'm not here for lies, I just wanted to know if some other people knew about the drop of 15000, but maybe it was a youtube mistake because i'm getting alot of views back. Anyone else can respond, but please just check before saying anything like this dude above me.