Gaming 12k+ channel looking to work with others


New Member
Hey guys i originally started youtube when i was like 19, im now 28 and i just not long ago lost my original youtube channel of 72k subscribers/19 Million views but sadly a long story short youtube/adsense took a dump on my channel so i had to rebuild. I am looking for motivated people who see this as a long term thing, hit me up. Im a easy guy who loves creating content for the people.

SmileB4DEATH is my channel, look forward to hearing back.
i would love to work together with you. But i fear your channel is way better and cooler then mines. I only have 100+ subscribers and i dont play destiny :(
If you want to work together just send me a mail and if not its fine as well. (i know my place :) )

Cool channel stay awesome and keep it up.
Hey there Smile,
I'd like to ask if you'd like to have a video editor by your side with this. I'm looking to get some more on-set experience with editing videos and animation. I have experience in Adobe AfterEffects and Adobe Premiere Pro, as well as experience as a graphic designer in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe InDesign.

If you'd like to get in contact with me, since I haven't reached the 50-100 posts quote, you can contact me by the following.

Skype: aviasusmc
Discord: Musixiem#5447

*Extra Note* - I don't expect any payment from this. This is all for experience and to form a connection with a group of people!
I'd paly with you looking to buy destiny soon and other games. WOul;d be an honor my discord: IareKuma#6483
Hey I’d like to collaborate or even play a few games first just Incase you end up not wanting too! Let me know I’m just trying to meet new people and have fun!
im interested in playing! i got destiny well i basically have every game that worth getting if not ill get it. Im 24 and just trying this youtube thing out.