YTTalker had his videos used on TV without permission!

I can't post links but the modified link below is to a great article which talks about what you can do if someone takes your content and removes your watermark (which they did). From what I understand, he's automatically able to get at least $2500 in damages.

photoattorney (dot) com/2007/07/watermarks-can-be-music-to-your-ears.html
Do you think TMZ paid Michelle Phan for the clips they used of her videos when they ran the story of her getting sued?

The difference is that they are using her clips as part of the news that they are discussing. In this case, his clips were not focus of the show.[DOUBLEPOST=1406418465,1406418398][/DOUBLEPOST]
I can't post links
photoattorney (dot) com/2007/07/watermarks-can-be-music-to-your-ears.html
Makes no real difference than anyone else here making videos without asking permission for the stuff they used. Did anyone go out and actually ask Miley Cyrus permission before posting pics of her twerking? It's like everyone here crying out for 'fair use' when they do it with someone else's content.... and then complain when it happens to their content. Fair use. Get over it. Yes, even YOUR content is open to fair use.

The thing that does point out to me is that they cropped out the watermark. Now that's just being assholes. It's basically killing off any chances of free publicity.