Youtuber with 2 Million Subscribers stole my footage

No. A video can be monetized as soon as it's uploaded. Having to wait any amount of time to monetize would be silly as videos on popular pages (typically) earn the highest number of views in the first few days.

Since the video had over 250k views when I last looked (likely much higher before it was taken down), it's a fairly safe assumption that they earned $250+ from their theft.
Even though the video was removed after being up for less than a week, the views still counted. Damm. I thought you could earn money from the video if it was up for more than 30days. I guess I never checked myself. Thanks for the explanation.
There seems to be a lot of people offering praise and congrats... and I'd love to know why.

Someone stole one of your videos, cropped it to hide the watermark, posted it as their own and likely made a couple hundred dollars from it.
You contacted and called them out on it.
They replied and offered credit and a link, but changed their mind and decided to simply delete the video before you could accept the offer (or refuse it and give them a copyright strike).

Now people are offering praise for getting it worked out?

Nothing was worked out. Someone stole work, made money off it, and then deleted it once they were caught. Nothing was solved, no lesson was learned and nothing good came from it.
You are totally right. The main problem is that users can't do anything about it and they need to contact their network and most network have awful support. It's been more than 4 days and my network hasn't replied to me yet. lol
I recently had this happen I kindly messaged the creator to credit or I could claim the video...he credited me in the description so it was all good.
I don't think they earned anything because when the video is taken down by youtube so are their money. Or am I wrong?
As far as I understand it the video wasn't taken down by YouTube but the copycat deleted it.
personally id make my own video and do a voice over exposing what he did. then in my tags put his name in. then when people search for him your video comes up with a title xxxxx EXPOSED. id never trust someone who purposely didnt credit my work.
You can get your network involved. If you're with a good one, then you can make money based off his success. He will most likely take it down then, but you never know.