YouTube Sponsorships for Beginners?


Well-Known Member
So I've been wondering about these "Sponsorships" I've heard about and looked into.

And I've found that they could help grow your channel in a great way I believe, sharing and helping improve your content and what-not. And I believe I saw some people that were one of the many Sponsorships there are and said it's a great experience.

However I've also heard that joining a Sponsorship could ruin your channel, or could simply just suck to be stuck in with the rules on their contracts, or how they even function and how unreliable their service could be.

I was just wondering if there really is a good Sponsorship club to join, I've always heard both pros and cons of some Sponsorships but I could never really pinpoint if it's worth it or not, or if there's even something better, or if it's not as good as it seems.

Please let me know your thoughts or knowledge on this.
Usually you have to have 5k or up subscribers to join a sponsorship. I don't know how it would hurt your channel as long as the product or whatever your advertising is good quality or a scam! Do research on the company that's sponsoring you before you take that sponser and read the contracts very carefully! Good luck!
I don’t know much about sponsorships but I will follow this thread because Im looking in to this sponsorship-thing too. Again Im not sure but I think you got to have about 5000 subs to be interesting to sponsors (at the moment I have 1500) so it will take some time for me to get there. I also think it has to do with how engaged your viewers are watch time etc to come into consideration for a sponsorship.:)
Usually you have to have 5k or up subscribers to join a sponsorship. I don't know how it would hurt your channel as long as the product or whatever your advertising is good quality or a scam! Do research on the company that's sponsoring you before you take that sponser and read the contracts very carefully! Good luck!

Thank you, but I believe there are Sponsorships you could join with less subs, and they are legit sites, but some of the contract rules are tricky worded, and some people end up stuck in them when they want to get out, because either the sponsorships take to much of their ad revenue, provide horrible sharing service and is not as good as it seems. Look it up on YouTube about Sponsorships, and there are people in the comments that will tell you about their experience. It's Sponsorships for Beginners but I'm sure there is a certain view requirement or some sort...I just want to advocate for my channel and try things, the Sponsor thing caught my eye and it seems great yet it may be too good to be true, even the ones that are for 5k subs and higher, I have not seen one 'perfect' or great review of any sponsor without a bad one following, so it's really tough to choose[DOUBLEPOST=1499924506,1499924373][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don’t know much about sponsorships but I will follow this thread because Im looking in to this sponsorship-thing too. Again Im not sure but I think you got to have about 5000 subs to be interesting to sponsors (at the moment I have 1500) so it will take some time for me to get there. I also think it has to do with how engaged your viewers are watch time etc to come into consideration for a sponsorship.:)

There are also Sponsorships for newcomers, for less amount of subs or for a certain amount of views. But even the sponsors for 5k subs or higher, I have not seen a good review without following a bad it's hard to even think it's worth going for it, some people said it's better staying alone even, some said's a stuck position I'm in
I'm not sure, but I think you might be talking about mcn networks. A sponsorship in youtube terms is when a company pays you a fee to advertise their product or service in the form of a video, shoutout, link in a description etc. A network is a company that manages your channel, and supposedly helps you grow and get increased revenue. Some also offer access to free music, graphics etc. They take a chunk of your ad sense earnings as compensation for their service. If that's what you're asking about, I'd say stay away, especially if you're a small channel. You can grow quite respectively on your own if you learn what youtube is about and what it wants. You don't need a network feeding off what little money you're earning, and most of what they offer you can get for free anyway.

That being said, there are some genuinely good networks out there that manage some huge channels. They could potentially be food for thought later when you get bigger. However, I'd advise really reading the contracts, so you know where you stand.
Sponsorships are mainly for bigger channels, what your looking for is affiliate links.
Like Razer, Amazon, G2A, and others.
theyre really easy to sign up for too.
But if your serious about a sponsorship and feel confident in your video content and your reach
go ahead and email a company whos product youd like to review
but give them a reason to pick you, dont just ask for free stuff
If your serious about your Youtube you have to be proffesional all around
hope this of luck
I'm not sure, but I think you might be talking about mcn networks. A sponsorship in youtube terms is when a company pays you a fee to advertise their product or service in the form of a video, shoutout, link in a description etc. A network is a company that manages your channel, and supposedly helps you grow and get increased revenue. Some also offer access to free music, graphics etc. They take a chunk of your ad sense earnings as compensation for their service. If that's what you're asking about, I'd say stay away, especially if you're a small channel. You can grow quite respectively on your own if you learn what youtube is about and what it wants. You don't need a network feeding off what little money you're earning, and most of what they offer you can get for free anyway.

That being said, there are some genuinely good networks out there that manage some huge channels. They could potentially be food for thought later when you get bigger. However, I'd advise really reading the contracts, so you know where you stand.

Ah yeah I got the mcn networks confused with Sponsorships, and yeah that's what I figured to stay away as a small channel. I agree, I don't think it's necessary if you know the right tools to use which is free and some are easy to get
I also am looking into sponsorships, and had an interesting phone-meeting with a marketing company this week to discuss the subject. The marketing exec said that they prefer to work with smaller channels, so that the sponsor can also "start small" and then hopefully grow with the channel.

This makes a lot of sense, since most companies will not want to immediately sponsor a big youtube name at a very high cost when they have not tested out the concept first. Small channels make a great testbed for these sponsors; they do not have to risk a large outlay of cash, but their expectations are also smaller.

From a Creator's point of view it is important to be realistic. If your channel is very small you will probably not be able to get cash for a video, but could ask for goods or services. A travel channel for example may be able to get one free night in a hotel if they book three nights and video blog about the stay, or a fashion channel may get some free clothes from a brand that they want to cover.

It's only as I write this that I have realised that I actually already have one very important sponsor. All of my videos are paid for by the brokerage company that I am contracted to. They get value for money because my videos are all branded + an increased possibility of revenue from sales...I get value because I can grow my channel at no cash cost (just lots of time) and I pick up more business and gain credibility as a result.

Going back to the phone call with the marketing company - I'm totally convinced that you do not need to have a big channel to get sponsors and that to wait for some sort of subscriber milestone is a big mistake. If you are very small then look for very small sponsors with very small rewards. As you grow, so will your ability to attract bigger sponsors and bigger rewards.
I also am looking into sponsorships, and had an interesting phone-meeting with a marketing company this week to discuss the subject. The marketing exec said that they prefer to work with smaller channels, so that the sponsor can also "start small" and then hopefully grow with the channel.

This makes a lot of sense, since most companies will not want to immediately sponsor a big youtube name at a very high cost when they have not tested out the concept first. Small channels make a great testbed for these sponsors; they do not have to risk a large outlay of cash, but their expectations are also smaller.

From a Creator's point of view it is important to be realistic. If your channel is very small you will probably not be able to get cash for a video, but could ask for goods or services. A travel channel for example may be able to get one free night in a hotel if they book three nights and video blog about the stay, or a fashion channel may get some free clothes from a brand that they want to cover.

It's only as I write this that I have realised that I actually already have one very important sponsor. All of my videos are paid for by the brokerage company that I am contracted to. They get value for money because my videos are all branded + an increased possibility of revenue from sales...I get value because I can grow my channel at no cash cost (just lots of time) and I pick up more business and gain credibility as a result.

Going back to the phone call with the marketing company - I'm totally convinced that you do not need to have a big channel to get sponsors and that to wait for some sort of subscriber milestone is a big mistake. If you are very small then look for very small sponsors with very small rewards. As you grow, so will your ability to attract bigger sponsors and bigger rewards.

Thank you so much for this advice. Is there anything, or a few tips about Sponsorships I should know about or what to do in order to get into them? Which ones do you know are good for small channels?
Thank you so much for this advice. Is there anything, or a few tips about Sponsorships I should know about or what to do in order to get into them? Which ones do you know are good for small channels?

You are in an incredibly tough niche...YouTube is jam packed with video game channels so all of the big games manufacturers are probably already working with big YouTube names.

If I were you I would start by trying to find very small start-up games designers and asking them to send you their games for free to review. If these reviews gain traction you should find that people contact you pretty quickly and become more generous with their offers.
I would probably also look at affiliate links, so that if I reviewed "Call of Zombies: Death March Special" for example, in the description below the video there would be a link to T-Shirts and other Call of Zombie branded stuff that your viewers could buy. I've never really looked into that side of revenue potential, but there is a ton of information on this site and it seems a fairly simple thing to set up.

Hope this helps...I'm no expert, still trying to find my way like most others here.