YouTube demonetizes Shane Dawson


YouTube has stopped allowing Shane Dawson to make money from adverts on his three channels, which have 34 million subscribers between them.

The decision comes after the vlogger apologised for having uploaded multiple offensive videos, including appearing in blackface and using racial slurs.

On Friday, Dawson posted a video titled Taking Accountability, in which he apologised for such content.


"I should lose everything," he said. "I have put so much hate on the internet."

Dawson became one of the streaming giant's original stars after launching ShaneDawsonTV in 2008, building a reputation as an online shock jock of sorts.

The 31-year-old has 22.4 million subscribers on his main channel, but has lost almost a million subscribers in the past month, according to tracker Socialblade.

In the past, he has also posted videos insulting people living with disabilities, and joked about paedophilia and hypothetically murdering a woman.

Full article and source:


I never liked Shane Dawson. It was always just about the views with him and he didn't care how he got them. He was the master of clickbait thumbnails and titles and just shrugged his shoulders when he got called out for it. He'd just ride any trending story and make money from it. I remember back around 2012 when Miley Cyrus was huge with all her twerking and music. - Shane Dawson made a video called "Miley Cyrus in my bed" and had a photoshooped photo of her in his bed as the thumbnail. Then when you clicked the video, "Miley" was just a rag doll that had name "Miley" and the video was him talking to a rag doll. Like WTF? Ridiculous clickbait. The vid got millions of views and his sheep fans continued to fawn all over him.

It was only last year that Youtube CEO, Susan Wojcicki agreed to have a meeting with him to get his advice after he had called HER out. She agreed to listen to his complaints like he's some sort of ambassador. I mean, everyone has known for years that he's scum but she did it because he's an "influencer". SMH

I never understood why so many people were fans of him. He's so creepy and fake. I'm glad he's getting called out. THe demonetization is too late however. He's made millions from his bs.
Yep he;'s an a**e who has made millions - not all that rare in the world sadly.

Anyway hopefully he's wasted all his money and now has to get a 'real job' LOL :D
Yep he;'s an a**e who has made millions - not all that rare in the world sadly.

Anyway hopefully he's wasted all his money and now has to get a 'real job' LOL :D

He's a clown and the title of his apology video "Taking Accountability" is just BS. - He knew exactly what he was doing because he's been called out for it for years. The only reason he's acting all sorry is because YouTube have stopped the $$

I found a thread from this very forum from 2014 calling out his shady tactics, clickbait and using blackface:

That was 6 years ago and nothing has changed in those 6 years. SMH
I honestly used to be a fan of him around 8-10 years ago, I stopped watching, and re-subbed every few years until his 'food' videos.. But seriously, even though I watched his content I didn't know about HALF the stuff that's come out, I kinda can't believe one person could do SO MUCH s****y stuff. He does deserve to lose his monetisation and his subscribers, but you know people will stick around..
The freak out livestream at Tati's video really just shows who he truly is.
To me, it seems like, eventually, YT will demonetize everything but the most milquetoast content AKA mainstream media channels. I've noticed commentary community getting absolutely blasted recently by a wave of channel-wide demonetizations. It's only a matter of time before everything becomes offensive and "unsuitable for most advertisers".

That said, I never followed Shane Dawson, but a few of his videos that I watched, I got the "creepy weirdo" vibes and never bothered checking out his content again.
He's a sick f**k, he had it coming. Hopefully Onision is next. What gets me is nothing really happened until a celeb of the caliber of Will Smith's family got involved. So I'm guessing nothing will happen to Onision until some big time celeb (someone bigger than Hansen obviously) starts making waves against him or something.
Never heard of him but if your description of his channel is even close... I would not have watched him anyway. I have never understood the appeal of shock jocks and do not follow any of them.
In a society where morality is subjective of human opinion and the squeaky wheel always gets the oil, the perpetually "Offended" crowd will end up deciding what everyone can watch. As a Christian minister who does not even use vulgar language and abhors much of what passes for humor these days, I am utterly disgusted by the things this person did. But I also recognize that in spite about how I feel or think about it, the guy had tens of millions of subscribers and made millions of dollars. This means that there is a much bigger market for that kind of content then my HowTo DIY videos.

We must be very careful beating the drum to go after channels like this because we do not like what they do. Take smoking for example. I hate smoking with a passion, but when the city I lived in at the time tried to pass a local law banning smoking in restaurants, I sided with the smokers and fought to protect their freedom. Why? Because I see it being an issue of choice and I would rather let market forces regulate these kinds of issue rather than government intervention. If I walk into a restaurant where there were people smoking, I walked out and never went back. If each person did this, then eventually market forces would force a class of restaurants that would target the non-smoking crowd. This is preferable to having the government try to regulate people's personal choices.

I never watched the person in question, just I have never watched any other vulgar reprobate YouTubers like Pewdiepie. I don't like what they do, so I don't watch them. This is my choice. But you will not find me beating the drum to take them down because, in spite of how much I dislike their content, I know that if I go after them, then I have forfeited my right to protest when someone takes issue with my content, and believe you me, some people do. I just got this comment yesterday on a camera review because it included footage of legal hunting activity (which BTY was mentioned in the Title. I.E. "Hunting Camera Review"):

“b*****d! Stop killing ANIMALS, *******!!!” Kill YOURSELF INSTEAD!!”

Now obviously, this person is offended by people hunting, which entirely a legal activity and supported by the overwhelming majority of the population. But this person is the squeaky wheel. Given enough time and momentum, this person and those like them, could push to get my channel demonetized. Do we really want youtube to be ruled by the "Offended" generation, where a tiny handful of people go around shouting FOUL! at everything, they don't like. Is this who we want to let control our future?

So, in spite of how much I dislike Shane Dawson, I think what YouTube has done is really bad and a huge danger to every single YouTuber. I would be the first to stand up and demand he get his monetization back. The market should control the content, not a few hypersensitive people who can't stand that other people live differently than them.