In a society where morality is subjective of human opinion and the squeaky wheel always gets the oil, the perpetually "Offended" crowd will end up deciding what everyone can watch. As a Christian minister who does not even use vulgar language and abhors much of what passes for humor these days, I am utterly disgusted by the things this person did. But I also recognize that in spite about how I feel or think about it, the guy had tens of millions of subscribers and made millions of dollars. This means that there is a much bigger market for that kind of content then my HowTo DIY videos.
We must be very careful beating the drum to go after channels like this because we do not like what they do. Take smoking for example. I hate smoking with a passion, but when the city I lived in at the time tried to pass a local law banning smoking in restaurants, I sided with the smokers and fought to protect their freedom. Why? Because I see it being an issue of choice and I would rather let market forces regulate these kinds of issue rather than government intervention. If I walk into a restaurant where there were people smoking, I walked out and never went back. If each person did this, then eventually market forces would force a class of restaurants that would target the non-smoking crowd. This is preferable to having the government try to regulate people's personal choices.
I never watched the person in question, just I have never watched any other vulgar reprobate YouTubers like Pewdiepie. I don't like what they do, so I don't watch them. This is my choice. But you will not find me beating the drum to take them down because, in spite of how much I dislike their content, I know that if I go after them, then I have forfeited my right to protest when someone takes issue with my content, and believe you me, some people do. I just got this comment yesterday on a camera review because it included footage of legal hunting activity (which BTY was mentioned in the Title. I.E. "Hunting Camera Review"):
“b*****d! Stop killing ANIMALS, *******!!!” Kill YOURSELF INSTEAD!!”
Now obviously, this person is offended by people hunting, which entirely a legal activity and supported by the overwhelming majority of the population. But this person is the squeaky wheel. Given enough time and momentum, this person and those like them, could push to get my channel demonetized. Do we really want youtube to be ruled by the "Offended" generation, where a tiny handful of people go around shouting FOUL! at everything, they don't like. Is this who we want to let control our future?
So, in spite of how much I dislike Shane Dawson, I think what YouTube has done is really bad and a huge danger to every single YouTuber. I would be the first to stand up and demand he get his monetization back. The market should control the content, not a few hypersensitive people who can't stand that other people live differently than them.