I know where you are coming from. Two of my most popular videos are 1 and 2 year old now and I still get comments on them. Some of them make either no sense to me or argue a point that literally five people in separate comments have already made. They don't read, they just want to get their own point out.
Just to share some of the fun, this guy made like 5 comments, three of which are on the same video.
"the hard shoulder is not used as an extra lane.its for emergency services to use if the road is blocked.or if you break down and cant go any further."
I have no clue anymore what I say in the video about the hard shoulder, but I'm pretty sure I never express any question about what a hard shoulder is for. I only argue I didn't know the term.
"the writing on the road are not writen in chalk."
Pretty sure I never mentioned chalk. Or if I did, that is obviously me misspeaking.
And my personal favorite:
"you cant blame the english for the rain."
I didn't?
Anyway, I've just not responded to these. They don't harm anyone, so I'm not deleting them, but I also haven't replied or thumbed it. I spend hours responding to exhaustive comments on how Holden isn't Opel but part of some kind of auto group whatever (really don't care), so at this point I just don't really argue anymore.
Oh, just found these as well. Posted on my video about Christmas in England:
"The History of Mince Pies. Mince Pies, like Christmas Puddings, were originally filled with meat, such as lamb, rather than the dried fruits and spices mix as they are today. They were also first made in an oval shape to represent the manger that Jesus slept in as a baby, with the top representing his swaddling clothes. As I understand it meat was the filing until the time of WW1 when meat became scarce, it was then that it went to being fruit filled. "
Nothing in the comment regards to the video, he just wanted to tell me the history of mince pies, I guess?