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Woke up to 10 Subs!

Do the warm fuzzies ever go away when you wake up to find that one more person has seen your video and liked it??

What was the most exctiting milestone you reached so far - I can't stop smiling from my 10 subscribers! What an awesome day :happy2:
I fats on achieved milestones! The most exciting milestone for me was my very first subscriber, that def was something new to me =) But keep it up man
congrats, more subs on the way, great thumbnails

the biggest one was finally figuring out what content to create on the channel, this can make you or break you, because for most beginner YouTubers it is FREE work for years to come, so it better bring lots of immediate benefits like joy & better editing skills

I know what you mean - each time I learning something new editing wise, I get so excited - just learnt how to use chroma effect and loving it!
I hit 1500 subs today, so that's pretty exciting... and I STILL get excited about a 10 sub day!

wow thats amazing, congrats!

I fats on achieved milestones! The most exciting milestone for me was my very first subscriber, that def was something new to me =) But keep it up man

First sub, and First Comment - I dont think I will ever forget these - definitely something special!
Do the warm fuzzies ever go away when you wake up to find that one more person has seen your video and liked it??

What was the most exctiting milestone you reached so far - I can't stop smiling from my 10 subscribers! What an awesome day :happy2:

Congrats, keep up the good work. You'll be at 100 in no time. :)
Good job! I was pretty excited about 10 subs too. Although I think my first sub was the most exciting of all. It proved there was at least 1 other person in the world that had was interested in the same thing I was.