Alrighty, this is going to be a huge post!
I think I've checked out everyone who was mentioned in this thread or who commented (sorry if I missed any!) and really really enjoyed some of them, subscribed to many, and added a few to the playlist, which is live on my channel now and still expanding. As I commented on the introduction video, though, in my books getting added to a playlist is about achievements and not sycophancy, so even if I really liked them as a person, if they have some developing to do or they just weren't my cup of tea I haven't added them (yet).

In the meantime I won't personally be looking at any more suggestions for a while, but you're all obviously welcome to keep discussing if you like.
I recently subscribed to SlightlySteve (3200subs), Will McDaniel (1500subs), and a larger channel Foil Arm and Hog
This is exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for and enjoy. These guys put so much effort into their editing, effects, and sound. Absolutely spot on. I have a soft spot for original comedy and short films, too.
So does everyone have a crush on
@SabrinaKom on this forum or what? bahahahahaha, jeez... Sabrina, I suggest we do a collab video partly because I think people forgot I do double work on my channel as well and partly because I'm a tad jealous.... Jeez, where's my band of girl youtubers that used to fawn over me? I used to have a small following on here.... they must of all bit the YouTube Bullet, haha.... jeez, your content is solid though, I agree. Double work is hard to execute, I should know, you deserve it
I watched one of your videos a while back even though the title really turned me off ("Catfishing our Friend - catfishing funny"?) and I really enjoyed it, but I think you did yourself a massive disservice with the title and branding of it to be honest - you have such a unique concept (I've never seen another channel where the characters are the conscience of the 'vlogger' like that) but when you gave it that a generic title it sounded just like any other video made by any hack trying to clickbait and doesn't actually let anybody know the effort gone into scripting, acting, etc. I would have clicked a lot faster if the title had described the video (like "Catfished by my Conscience?!" or something). So maybe that's something to look at re. getting recognition etc.?

But don't forget that one of the points on my original list was not to be entitled
tbh, I don't know of anyone (other than myself of course lol) and I've been trying to find other small youtubers, but I find it EXTREMELY HARD to do so and I have no idea why. I upload every Friday and I have 590 subbies
Well, this thread has a few dozen recommendations at least, and there are a lot of playlists going round in the community, so those are probably good places to start
Right? Maybe it's my parents upbringing but being thought of as a hard worker has always been important to me.
Yay, yep, absolutely! It's definitely the sort of thing that should be rewarded among the community in my opinion, too.
Last thing I wanted to say was how many gaming channels I've seen. Unless they do something really different (like one recommended guy who did sketches with it, another who's a staff member here and plays a certain genre of games I enjoy), I can't even bring myself to check it out after the sheer number I've looked at since starting this project (doesn't help that it's not always my kind of game, and I don't like long videos). If you're a gamer, do yourself a favour and check out
@Tim Schmoyer and his courses, because if your description starts and ends with "I play games", you could be the best creator ever and I just would not be able to stomach checking out your channel - man cannot live on bread alone, right?
Thanks again to everyone who's commented so far, you've been a massive help and I've loved some of the channels suggested here.