Who are the hardest working/best/underrated small YouTubers?

I like to think I work hard, but then I say "no, I could be working harder, I just don't want to sacrifice sleep work and college right now." That being said, I still work hard =P

There are a lot of great hard workers here too though!
Hands Down Justin Levesque. Back in the day he got a shout out from fluffy talks and had over 10,000 subs (back when that was a ton). Then things happened and he lost his channel. For the last 5 years he has tried to rebuild what he had built, but viewership never could keep up. He tried an only facebook video content.That failed, so he came back on youtube, but by then everything was much harder. The first link is to his current channel and the secound link is to his channel where he uploaded all 330 of his videos before the account was taken down. Even though they only get like 5 views now a days, he still uploads them for the 100 remaining subs from his original 10,000. Heck of a story if you follow.

