I'd say they're both indicative of different good things. Views from suggested videos on your own channel mean that people are seeing one video, and liking it enough to continue watching more. Views from suggested videos on other people's channels shows that you're getting views from people who would otherwise probably not have seen your channel, and therefore more exposure.
Hmm... Thank you for the responses.

What I get from this is you want both to happen in the channel. It's healthy when you get suggested a lot from your own videos because there's a higher chance for the channel itself to be viral if 1 video became viral in the long run (that is assuming when a video gets viral they would binge watch the rest as well).

But its kinda "meh" when its only one of the 2 because:
  1. If it is only 1 video getting suggested but viewers don't go and check the other content from the channel, its kinda useless for the channel but good for the video.
  2. If you only get suggested views from your own videos that means it's hard for people to find the videos in the first place(no exposure).
So for the starters/beginners/noobs in YouTube. It's a good indication that your own videos are clickable/watchable if you get a lot of suggested views from your own video + high audience retention (without good retention it just means the title/thumbnail is click bait rather than having good quality videos).

Am I right? Or am I missing something here? OR am I going too deep into something we shouldn't even think of? lol XP
A good mixture of both is essential for growing a channel,
on one hand you need people viewing your videos for them to go up the search rankings, and the longer people watch your videos the more it helps for that video to rank, so inside traffic is great.
But you also need those new viewers coming in from other peoples videos to keep your subscriber list and views growing!