When's the new 2013 layout being put on?

Not everyone gets the banner?
If I'm correct everyone should be getting the new layout. How ever like normal it starts from the top and works its way down. I don't know what youtube is trying to do...They may be trying to limit what advantages partners have so not everyone wants to monetize their videos, or something. However that seems stupid because they make way more money off of partners than we make from youtube.
I can't believe this... last year when they enforced the new youtube design, i had JUST decided to start making youtube videos more seriously... and this year i just get monetization and my full youtube partnership TUESDAY and now they want to change the design again... do they have a date for when it will be mandantory for all to have the one channel design? Why can't they just bring back the channels from AT LEAST 2010 and then add the "unsubscriber video" and the banner for the mobile devices? I can now have a channel banner without the channel upgrade, and literatly JUST figured out how to make my banner clickable, and after it is all enforced, it will of been NO use to even have gotten the fullscreen partnership seeing as everyone will be having a channel banner. The use of a channel banner will be useless to those who cannot make one, but those who can, it won't drag much attention as the background-banner design combination once did, and before the 2012 channel update, even with the small view and subscriber base i had, at least 10 comments on my channel were complimenting my channel design, before they took out all the individuality trying to make us look more like google plus, and google plus is a new thing, but literatly NOBODY uses it, shane dawson has 9 comments tops on a video he posts to his google+, and he is one of the most popular people on the internet, getting just 9 comments. I just wish we cold go back to the idea of individuality, simplicity, and an overall fun youtube experience. Youtube became popular because of it's simplicity and uniqueness, now it's no longer personal or liked upon by anyone... yellow subscribe button anyone?

I heard it is being rolled out today, but youtube usually has a notification at least a few weeks in advance before they change everyone over, i was reading a blog a little while ago and say that it will be forced upon us ALL at the end of june.