When the best time to do a Q&A


Active Member
When is it a good time to do a first Question and Answer video? What i mean is does it matter how many subscribers i get or views? I'm trying to do one. I've only gotten 2 questions. I've posted it on all my social media sites saying i was doing one and i'm feeling discourage on this since i've only gotten 2 questions.
Wait until you have enough questions to feel a video. You want there to be a demand and then you fill it rather than filling it before it exists. Don't be discouraged though! With time, you'll receive more of a following and therefore more interest for questions :)
No point in doing a q&a if you have a little following and zero questions. Until you get enough people that watch your channel and will actively get involved don't bother it's likely that if there's no demand for it then people won't bother watching it.
Dang, that just made me sad. You have almost double what I have and are still only getting two questions. I've got a long way to go.
It doesn't matter how many subscribers you have, just how engaged those subscribers are with you. Of course, when your subscriber count grows you're more likely to have a larger number of engaged fans, but as long as you have a lot of people commenting on your videos, mentioning you on twitter, etc., you can do a Q&A. 700 active subs makes a huge difference over 700 disengaged subs. To get your channel to this point, try to drive up fan engagement. Talk to them too, so they feel a connection with you. In time, people will be excited to ask you questions.
@Mirandapanda I've tried asking a few questions in my videos and also type a question that shows up in my videos. Not much talking or engagement on my videos. I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong.
@Mirandapanda I've tried asking a few questions in my videos and also type a question that shows up in my videos. Not much talking or engagement on my videos. I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong.

I checked out your channel and it appears that you haven't been getting many views compared to your subscriber count (consistently, at least). If there is no audience, there can be no response to a call to action. If your subs tend to like only a certain type of video of yours, or you do sub4sub, this would be the explanation. I would try and pick out which videos have gotten more views than others and figure out why. Other than that, continue trying to grow your audience and making quality content until that view count goes up. But that's just me, you know your channel better than I do. :)