When people watch your videos but don't like or comment

Well, I don't think it's just YTtalk but really YouTube in general. I remember back around 2008 it seemed everyone was a YouTube musician and now recently it's shifted to vloggers.
in 2008 I was uploading spore videos from creature creator I think i got like 5 views .. I didnt much care. I started using youtube for real video making in about 2010 but then again I am still in the geeky niche. I can't expect a rating of awesome from a bunch of people who dont even know what an iar file is lol
I would say gaming has taken over vloggers for sure.
yeah gaming is another huge one. Its been huge for awhile but they have xfire as well just think they have xfire for livestreaming, and youtube and I think justin tv is another huge one. Plus they have appeared on a machinima network I frequent lol. So its true gaming is huge as well. I know when i make a gaming video like ANY gaming video it instantly gets like 500 views in like 2 days.. its freaky really. Anyhow I dont make those either if I do its because I was using it to make a movie lol then the gamers dislike it because well its not really a gaming video ^^
In my opinion...Fireviews isn't a site for desperate people to use...I see it as another form of promotion for video's. Yes there may be people that are desperate for subs and likes and all that but I think it's a bit unfair to call it a desperate site...I use that site from time to time...and I'm not desperate for people to watch my video's...I just want to hear feed back ...that's all....

I always try to leave a comment on YTTalk Member's video's...I also like and fav ..and even tweet or post their content to my personal facebook page. If I don't leave a comment I like the video... to further promote their video....I love you guys on here~ it's good that you think we should start supporting each other and liking each other's videos.
Yes there may be people that are desperate for subs and likes and all that but I think it's a bit unfair to call it a desperate site.

Clock it.

Lol, but seriously obviously there are people that are desperate to have a large number of subs, etc. so they'll try to get there by spamming and other means, all the while not worrying about what's import which is their content. With that being said, the internet is huge so there's nothing wrong with going out there and promoting yourself, or even using site like Fireviews.
I kinda realized people were just liking my videos "cause" when I turned off likes in my feed hehe suddenly all the videos I was liking these people stopped liking mine. This made me realized that the likes I received were not because people actually liked my stuff but because they somehow felt obligated to like my videos because I liked theirs and vica versa. I dont know how useful that kind of support is to be honest. Because it left me thinking "do these people actually like my stuff?" I turned them off because I could not see the uploads of the people I had subscribed to in all that liking lol. In any event I guess I am more of a person who just wants to do my thing and hopes that some people like my stuff because they actually like it and not just cause I frequent a forum or something. I support a lot of people and dont mind trading channels and have a few people boxed. (well after you box 4 or 5 people the rest of the space no one sees the channels so its really not a true promotion) so I guess I would prefer to link people and box them maybe because I only want "real" likes but then I am not one who worries about my subscriber count or my viewer count. Amazingly I do quite well considering I promote like 1 video out of about 5 lol. I have another one up and coming that I am actually going to promote in fact it may even appeal to this community it depends on if they think my stuff is funny or not hehe. Again sense of humour is in the eye of the beholder. If I can make a couple of people chuckle then I am content and happy those peopel chuckled :)
I'm sorry i haven't been around much hey been really studying for upcoming exam tomorrow :/ i hate exams but yeah i agree with all of you for the like and comment part... a lot of my videos i try and involve those that watch by asking themk questions and so on and i get 2 views 3 views and such I feel that sometimes its not worth it but i push on anyways for a hope that someone stumbles in and says "hmm... this is good let me tell my friends" and then it starts rising in popularity and such though i think you need to push forward and be stubborn and keep uploading them :)
I'm sorry i haven't been around much hey been really studying for upcoming exam tomorrow :/ i hate exams but yeah i agree with all of you for the like and comment part... a lot of my videos i try and involve those that watch by asking themk questions and so on and i get 2 views 3 views and such I feel that sometimes its not worth it but i push on anyways for a hope that someone stumbles in and says "hmm... this is good let me tell my friends" and then it starts rising in popularity and such though i think you need to push forward and be stubborn and keep uploading them :)
Because you're a gamer, I'd say the most important aspect is your video thumbnail and a really good title. Sometimes you just get lucky and one of your videos goes viral which is all u need these days to get a decent amount of subscribers.
Because you're a gamer, I'd say the most important aspect is your video thumbnail and a really good title. Sometimes you just get lucky and one of your videos goes viral which is all u need these days to get a decent amount of subscribers.
i agree with you but that doesn'c change the fact that its still hard to get the views i don't really care and will keep uploading i love it thats all that matters :P