What's Your Process?

so the video will come by September and after that when everything is over you guys will release the trailer of the video after September.
Oh, I thought you meant a channel trailer, not of the specific videos. No, I don't think you're going to get a video trailer, sorry. But who knows, our plans have changed before!
I was just wondering, exactly what steps do you guys take in making a video? From idea to upload, what do you swear by in terms of efficient quality content creation?

I want to be able to streamline my process and shave time off the recording and editing steps in particular. I believe it would allow me to be much more consistent with making videos, even within my current schedule.
I mostly shoot videos of opportunity without planning. When I do think of something to shoot specifically for making a video, I usually just think of something that I would like to watch. For me, it has to be either interesting or funny.
The process I use is a good combination of winging it and some planning. If a video idea gets in our head, we write it down. From there if I get board and I have no one in the house. I'll (depending if its a live commentary or not) record everything. Ifs it's not a live commentary, then I jump on skype (if its more then me talking) and record a discussion (then later in the day after editing the audio I get some game footage). I use audacity to edit the audio, and WMM for the video. We don't do very much in terms of editing our videos (no real need) so it's not that big of an issue.
I hope this isn't necroposting, but I wanted to specify that editing was the biggest of my issues. I try to do that fast edit/jump cut technique that is so common among the biggest YouTubers. That style gets to be so tedious that it becomes dreadful and I avoid editing and filming altogether.
Of course, I'm using Windows Live Movie Maker, so that isn't helping. Is there a free editor that allows for a more efficient jump cut editing process? Any cheap ones?
My steps to uploading a video are Jot down ideas, record footage, record commentary (unless live), edit, watch,Render, Upload! :D

Totally agree with this style! I often think about ideas whilst trying to get to sleep or whilst I have a bath, usually when it's most inconvenient for me but I tend to jot down those ideas, and come back to them when I'm ready to record. For gameplays, I simply record the games I play when I am having some "recreational gaming time" with my friends, it gets two jobs done at once and the gameplays aren't half bad either! :D
I always try jot ideas down at a pad, Even if its at work or at home. Pre planning works for me and it stops me urmming in videos.
I always try jot ideas down at a pad, Even if its at work or at home. Pre planning works for me and it stops me urmming in videos.

Yeah, if I'm out with friends or something and an idea pops into my head, I simply jot in down on my phone so when I go home I can look over the notes and then simply commentate, and it may take three or four takes to get right (because I don't script each and every commentary) but eventually I get Youtube standard commentary and then I stick on a decent gameplay, I render, watch over and then upload! :D
Pretty much the same ideas as me dude! If i dont i mess up the commentary and have to do it again. But at the same time my commentary isn't a script!