What sort of video(s) can i make about Pokemon Go?


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What sort of video(s) can I make about the game Pokemon Go? I play it a lot, just wondering what I could do for a video about it? :p :D
If you have a second camera, film yourself playing it or give your thoughts, or ideas what would you have done differently? What level are you on? Just do a video about it. Talk about where you found your biggest pokemon, and how many people have you meet that are playing?
I'm currently only on Level 4 :p Still lot of playing to do lol :D Ill come up with a few ideas the more I play, but currently my ideas for a Pokémon Go video are as follows...
  • About all the Pokémon I have caught so far. But I'm thinking this end up just being a slide show of clips of the ones I have. :p
  • About the different Pokéstops local to me. :p

How do I record a video of my person walking around on the map and doing other stuff form my phone?
Some talking points? Talk about your pokemon? Have you caught any of your favorites? What are your favorites, what pokemon like to run away from you? Hardest pokemon to catch.

If you have a camera (or a friends phone) to set up on a tripod to as you walk around. It doesn't have to be very long, just a snippet or something. Or zoom into and see what your doing while catching pokemon or fighting a gym. (I'm level 16, tehe)
You could do a rage quit one on how many dang rattatas and pidgeys there are, one on which team to join, heck a rant video about just your thoughts on the game would be fun
That's me got an idea for my video and further videos in a small series kind of thing about me hunting them. :D I'm haf way through creating my first one of them and done the intros, outros, etc.. for all the videos ill make. :D
There's a million of these videos right now. You can certainly make one, but if it were me I'd look for an original idea on the topic.

Free ideas:

Video starts with you talking to the camera saying your friend just texted you saying there's a mew near his house. Film shots of you excited and getting ready, and you go over and it's some sort of a prank or a surprise birthday party, or you arrive 10 seconds too late etc etc

How to Pick Up Girls While Playing Pokemon Go -- You approaching girls that are playing pokemon and trying to get their number and failing (or succeeding if you can lol). But be self-aware and when you fail, act like it was still a great success.

Good luck!
Do a comparison between Pokemon Go and the original Pokemon games, highlighting how stupid it is that people are so into Pokemon go when it is a poor interpretation of a game that was made 20 years ago. Then highlight the need for Nintendo to release their own version more like the games with actual gyms with badges, elite 4, proper training of Pokemon etc.
Do a comparison between Pokemon Go and the original Pokemon games, highlighting how stupid it is that people are so into Pokemon go when it is a poor interpretation of a game that was made 20 years ago. Then highlight the need for Nintendo to release their own version more like the games with actual gyms with badges, elite 4, proper training of Pokemon etc.
I like this Pokémon Go game tho. :p I like the way this game is, I also like the way the older games were. They are different games and I like the way both work. :D