what software do you guys use

Personally for my video editing I use a combination of After Effects and Premiere. After Effects, for well, effects and Premiere for putting it all together. They are a little tough to get around, but once you start using them, they become fairly user-friendly and result in great products :)
I use Windows Movie Maker, because I'm a cheapskate and don't want to pay for anything. It does what I need it to do anyway, cut out the bad parts. Everything else is just a bonus. #WINNING

Anyway, I've seen a lot of praise, for months, for Sony Vegas. So I guess that's the best way to go. Unless you're on an Apple machine, then you might have some more/better options. But LOL if I know what those are.
Sony Vegas or Adobe Premier is really all you need for video editing. In my opinion anything better (if there is anything better) is overkill. There is tons you can do with Vegas (most useful to me is key-framing), you just gotta look up tutorials and stuff on how to do it.
I switch between Blender and Virtualdub. VD seems to be easier once you learn how it works, but it can't do as much as Blender. However, Blender can be more temperamental.