What Should You Do If Your Network Does Not Contact You Back?

I've checked for a Skype and Twitter account. Hopefully I found the right ones. As for a live chat service I have not found anything.
I've checked for a Skype and Twitter account. Hopefully I found the right ones. As for a live chat service I have not found anything.
Well try contact them on those, you won't lose anything by trying :). To be sure check their website to see if they show them on there.
Your welcome, hope you were able to sort it out :).

I was able to contact them once on Twitter. I asked them, but they dodged the question. I asked it again but more thoroughly in hopes that they'd get straight to the point however I still haven't gotten a response back. Any ideas?
I was able to contact them once on Twitter. I asked them, but they dodged the question. I asked it again but more thoroughly in hopes that they'd get straight to the point however I still haven't gotten a response back. Any ideas?
Hmm, perhaps you could try and unlink your channel by going to your channel settings under your logo, then creator studio and then channel. You will find an arrow next to the network section, request to unlink from there. I haven't personally tried to unlink that way but it is worth a shot.
Hmm, perhaps you could try and unlink your channel by going to your channel settings under your logo, then creator studio and then channel. You will find an arrow next to the network section, request to unlink from there. I haven't personally tried to unlink that way but it is worth a shot.

I've tried that twice. After the second time my network denied it YouTube removed the option. I still do not have the option back so I have no idea if it will ever come back.
I've tried that twice. After the second time my network denied it YouTube removed the option. I still do not have the option back so I have no idea if it will ever come back.
Wow I really don't know then to be honest but I'm pretty sure they Won't be able to legally renew your contract after you tried to stop it so many times and by no means agree to it being renewed. The problem is that there is really no way to contact youtube about it either. Anyone else here on the forums have any ideas?
So because it has been a while I will give a little update. I was finally able to get in contact with my network. I asked to be released from my contract however they said I am locked in with a three year contract. Which is new to me because I was told on the Vultra website that they have a no lock in contract. I went to my school's resource officer for help, and he told me about the Capacity law. Pretty much he said, a minor can disaffirm a contract made, no matter the case. And the entire contract must be disaffirmed. So when I told them about this, they started to ignore me a second time. After being very persistent I was finally able to get a respond. They told me that they have sent my case to their 'Legal' and YouTube for further action. I don't think I even believe they are doing anything at this point. I am still waiting for information. I try to contact them every week but they always just say the same copypaste "sent to legal" response. I feel that they will try to drag this out so I will just give up trying. As of right now I am still partnered with them even though I have told them that I do not wish to be partnered anymore. I would expect them to at least unpartner me or suspend my partnership until this matter is resolved but they will not do anything that will stop them from having my channel. By not responding back to me and dragging this process out, they have an unfair advantage over me. All I know, they would be committing Constructive Fraud by not evening doing anything at all. Just 'saying' they are handling it.

Still, if anyone can give me some advice. I am willing to try most things.