What other types of videos would gamers watch?

Everyone needs to find their own brand of funny. I'm a firm believer that people should just be their selves and use improv skills to make jokes when they're available. Don't try to copy someone who's popular or try to play a character. Too difficult and usually you come off as phoney and annoying. Again, just be you! Most of my jokes end up being cringe humor but I think it's the enjoyable kind. So, yeah, telling personal stories is a great idea. Another thing you can do that viewers love would be make observations/theories about what is happening in the game you're playing. However, that may be difficult without practice as you may get distracted mid rant and then lose your train-of-thought and then the world explodes! Well ... not really that last part, but you get the picture. :D

Good improv advice here. Pretty much all my comedy comes from observations. They inspire many different silly questions and probable or unlikely events in my head which I then describe to the viewer lol
I have grown to love improvised comedy because it's unexpected. And with me, more often than not it comes across quite random at times haha! Only those that can see the links tend to understand what im saying when I have a random moment, and that could come from twisting the meaning of words, the pronounciation of words, twisting an image or meaning of a scentence etc etc.
Well all of this have given me a lot to think about. maybe I should change my strategy and be about something else while doing games from time to time. I'm just trying to focus on the Japan lover which is a bunch of things and games are just one
you could talk about some of the weird or insanely hard japanese games there are.
I've seen many bullet hail games where the player meets a boss and then bullets just fill the screen with colour and death.

I just look at it and think.....how the hell!!? lol
I've decided already that any game I do must have some personal connection to me or it won't work. But some of those are super hard shooters. Yea I said shooters coz that's what they are! Halo be danged!
It's funny because before I decided to create a YouTube channel I was very passionate about travelling about trying out new restaurants. I did a quick search on YouTube and to be honest I found there to be a lack of anything remotely similar to my idea. Low and behold after I started my channel I started to find quite a number of other channels with similar content. It's not portrayed the same way as I do but I thought that my idea at the time was truly unique. Not so much now