What is your subscribers gained vs subscribers lost ratio?

Last 28 days, gained 19K subs, lost 6K, net gain of 13K subs.
This year, 200K gained, 60K lost, net gain of 140K subscribers.
My total subscribers gained is 239 and my total lost is 36.

so the ratio would be 6:1
for every 6 subs gained I'll lose one.
I can live with that xD
Even big subbed channels lose subs, as long as you aren't in the negative, you are going in the right direction!
I was at 9 gained to 1 lost. which was nice. But apparently a bunch of people had a New Year's Resolution to unsubscribe to me, and my ratio went down over a couple days to 6 gained to 1 lost. I am still under 100 subs, though, so I am not sure the data means too much.