What is a healthy views/subscriber ratio?

The headline says it all. What's everyone's take inns good view/ sub ratio? In my own channel I noticed I have about 1400 views in al and 14 subs. It only caught my eye because it's 100:1. Easy math
I also noticed a post here recently of a channel with 800000 subs and 800 million views. That's 1000:1 and easy math too.

If I see someone with 1000 subs and 1000 views then I think somethings up. But also a channel with 10 subs and a million views tells me they might have a one off hit or somethings just not keeping them around.

So what would be a ratio that shows things are going well for a channel?
I get 5 to 6 subs/100 view and I make videos on stock market.
