What I think everyone needs to understand

This can be said about any trade on the open market. Photography, Landscapers, Plumbers and so on. The best one can do is educate the customer and let people get what they pay for.
I worked doing graphic design for a little over a year doing magazine ads and layouts and stuff. I learned on the job because I didn't go to school for it. I have always worked construction and mechanical maintenance jobs but I thought what the hell why not apply. I did use Lynda to learn a lot of CS and if you try you will figure it out. I am currently working with a program called blender to do my 3d logo and animated intro. I have been at it for 2 weekends because I am also still learning video editing, sound, and all things related to Youtube marketing. I think I will have my still logo done this weekend and hopefully next weekend my animated intro piece will be done. While I agree that graphic design is expensive for classes and to pay back your tuition you have to charge people an arm and a leg,it is a skill that can be learned. Especially with all the help forums out there. If you get stuck just ask. For a couple logos and some intro animation just download Blender or Sculptris, watch the how to videos and make your own. Take your time and you will come up with something original plus you will get the satisfaction of seeing your own work come to life. Heck there is a story in the Blender forum of a guy who taught himself on Blender and ended up at Pixar. I will close with if you want to pay for your logo go with a trained artist, we used to have an ad hung on the wall in the shop that someone in India did cheap. It was for hot dogs and the language barrier ended up causing the client getting a dog with flames, We used that one in every sales pitch to a new client. Btw Im not knocking the artist's pricing i charge $25-50 per hour depending on the job they want and if it is a s****y clogged plumbing job I charge 125 just to show up and look at it. If i can fix it an hour fine if not they pay me hourly on top it.
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i learnt all my design skills from trial and error over 10 years of being a musician / in bands. same applies. you need a good logo, brand, websites etc.