What do you think of "doing it for the money!"

I remember Kalel saying something like "YouTube money is just too good" lol of course it is. I can understand how discouraging it might be for one day making so much money to go to not making enough. That's normal for any job. But at the same time if the passion isn't there anymore what can they do? That's such a gray area. You can never really know the true reason since you only know what they put out.
As a small youtube creator, I know how much time and effort goes into making videos and once you hit that peak and start making money I think for some it might be hard income wise if you've switched from a part time to a full-time YouTuber. Me personally I hate working the job I do some days and I pray that one day I can full time do what I love and make my income from that so I can focus on my craft without stressing over a side job & trying to cram time for working on my content and my channel so I understand why some YouTubers freak out over finances but at the same time I don't think it should be a factor to completely stop making videos if it's honestly what you love doing.
If it's their main source of income, I can understand that there's not as much point pouring all your time into a channel that isn't rewarding you enough to cover bills and rent, etc.
A lot of YouTubers I follow have set up Patreon accounts to help them get by due to the algorithm being so unpredictable and I don't see any issues with that myself. Heck, I've got a Patreon account myself.
I am planing to start Patrion account. I make most of my videos for kids. Do you think it is market there for it? So far I did not find any kids related channels there.[DOUBLEPOST=1503443535,1503443182][/DOUBLEPOST]
Name 10 great people who do what they do for free.
Do you have Patreon account? I am planing to move most of my activity there.
Nice to get some money for your work, the occasional direct deposit is nice but to make your entire living off Youtube when now many videos are not monetized if political or not pig, makes it harder. But there is always the hope of one of your videos getting 100 million views[DOUBLEPOST=1503453891,1503453870][/DOUBLEPOST]Nice to get some money for your work, the occasional direct deposit is nice but to make your entire living off Youtube when now many videos are not monetized if political or not pig, makes it harder. But there is always the hope of one of your videos getting 100 million views
I am planing to start Patrion account. I make most of my videos for kids. Do you think it is market there for it? So far I did not find any kids related channels there.[DOUBLEPOST=1503443535,1503443182][/DOUBLEPOST]
Do you have Patreon account? I am planing to move most of my activity there.
No, I don't have a Patreon account. There was someone who was impersonating us for a while on Patreon but we fought to have them removed and eventually succeeded when we involved a lawyer.

I wish you luck with Patreon, but I am not optimistic. The reason is the same as why merchandise is harder to move on a kids' channel: kids don't have direct buying power. They have to convince an adult who does.

More optimistically, perhaps you can tap into a market of parents who are concerned about what their kids are watching on YouTube and are willing to pay for family-friendly content. Best wishes!
i heard something like as well, but i honestly cannot blame if they decide to quit reason being some of them rely on YouTube as their source of income. personally, i don't know if i would quit my day job if i make it big on YouTube, i would have another source of income just to be on the safe side, YouTube changes quite frequently, so you got to be careful, ijs
I think it's a matter of choice of life, every one of us has a choice of life, where they feel comfortable and can get what they want, they will be there and it is unlikely they will continue to survive it does not provide comfort to them.
Eh, if it really is their main source of income, I can't really blame them. However, they knew the risks of not having a regular job and putting all their eggs into such a risky basket. With all these new rules coming out every other month that ends up screwing Youtubers over... they should keep a day job as well so they don't have to run to Twitch and whatnot.

I think this one is a huge Catch 22 for some people. For YouTubers that are large enough, there is NOT enough time to have a regular day job AT ALL. So they either have to let their channel take huge hits in order to have enough time OR go full time on YouTube.

I think the answer is if you go full time, you need to diversify as soon as possible. Get revenue streams from as much as you can (merchandise, Patreon, Twitch, Deals, etc) and keep those up. Anyone trying to survive on ads alone is pretty crazy these days.
No, I don't have a Patreon account. There was someone who was impersonating us for a while on Patreon but we fought to have them removed and eventually succeeded when we involved a lawyer.

I wish you luck with Patreon, but I am not optimistic. The reason is the same as why merchandise is harder to move on a kids' channel: kids don't have direct buying power. They have to convince an adult who does.

More optimistically, perhaps you can tap into a market of parents who are concerned about what their kids are watching on YouTube and are willing to pay for family-friendly content. Best wishes!
From what I can see on Patrion that is more content for adults then for kids and it stops me from jumping into right now. I think I will start running my page for the public there in few weeks any way and see how it will go.