What do you record with on the PC?

I use fraps but that take a lot of your cpu usage which is a pain, so I got the avermedia live gamer portable which is hardware but its awesome.
I am apparently the first one to say MSI Afterburner! The frame rate loss is about 1-2fps and the quality is pretty nice aswell. And it´s free!
Due to my computer, I cannot use fraps so I use dxtory.
Dxtory offers alot more options compared to fraps, you can have up to 5 audio channels I believe, change the video codec etc.
It also lags your game alot less.
If your computer can handle fraps, why not use it? It can record your desktop also!
However, if you computer is crap like mine go for dxtory for the time being :D
Interesting, everyone seems to be recommending Dxtory in one way or another, I may try it out, either on my desktop or my crappy laptop, because apparently it can record gameplay on crappy computers with less lag.