What do you guys think of YouTubers like LeafyisHere, DramaAlert, and Ricegum?

when you say that youtubers are making there channels of other peoples channels. I would think of reaction channels. not necessarily when you react to movie of gaming trailer but when you rect to a completely original video belonging to another youtuber. Their is one big youtuber call Blasomous HD that does exactly that. Just an example is all . I don't really care for the likes of leafy or them, i tend to find him annyoing
I do not watch them but based on their titles they look like mildly improved versions of the so called "reply girls" channels in the past (before one of the YT algorithm upadates annihilated them).
But if I really have no idea what to do with myself I can have a look on them and give my "informed" opinion (it may take some time before this happens). :)
Keemstar channel is a joke lol Let's get right in to the noose! I don't know about leafy. Drama shouldn't feel Youtube
Those channels can provide whatever content YouTube will allow. I don't subscribe to any of them though. One thing that I will say is that most of them use game-play footage. At least with Drama Alert, you're getting a more authentic 'news' experience. The others appear to be hiding behind scripts that they are reading.