What do people look for in a gaming channel?

I think the LP formula is a little played out. Lately I've been enjoying the whole variety type of gaming channels where they incorporate a little bit of review and LP at the same time. Jump cutting to interesting parts is good too.
Personally the fastest way to get me to sub to a gaming channel is to have well thought out and funny content (I.E. parodies, animated stuff, reviews, or the kind of thing jontron, PBG, HVGN, AVGN, ect. do) and I think lets play commentaries work so much better when there is more then one person. Having another person takes some of the pressure off of being entertaining and playing at the same time, while also giving you someone to bounce thoughts off of to keep commentary interesting. I think the lets plays that are really successful are successful not from the game play but because they like the person or persons commenting. So if you have trouble doing good commentary on your own think about collaborating and doing co-op/VS stuff until you get more experience and more comfortable.

Most important though just make sure you value quality, and please edit when needed. There are thousands of gaming channels and too many of them lack editing or structure. Don't waste the viewers time with the menus and opening loading screen if there isn't commentary, edit that kind of stuff out. It sounds small but when you have as much competition as there is in the gaming channel business every bit helps. :)

But yeah just be yourself, value quality, and have fun, that's the best advice I can think of.
Personally the fastest way to get me to sub to a gaming channel is to have well thought out and funny content (I.E. parodies, animated stuff, reviews, or the kind of thing jontron, PBG, HVGN, AVGN, ect. do) and I think lets play commentaries work so much better when there is more then one person. Having another person takes some of the pressure off of being entertaining and playing at the same time, while also giving you someone to bounce thoughts off of to keep commentary interesting. I think the lets plays that are really successful are successful not from the game play but because they like the person or persons commenting. So if you have trouble doing good commentary on your own think about collaborating and doing co-op/VS stuff until you get more experience and more comfortable.

Most important though just make sure you value quality, and please edit when needed. There are thousands of gaming channels and too many of them lack editing or structure. Don't waste the viewers time with the menus and opening loading screen if there isn't commentary, edit that kind of stuff out. It sounds small but when you have as much competition as there is in the gaming channel business every bit helps. :)

But yeah just be yourself, value quality, and have fun, that's the best advice I can think of.
Good ideas! I think that I have implemented the editing well, but of course I'm still learning and I looking forward to what I'm going to learn! My general rule of thumb is if it's boring me, then it's going be boring for everyone else. I know I don't like to watch people just sitting there. It's a lot of competition but I'm looking forward to the competition! ;) Thank you so much for the advice!
No problem, I have to follow all this advice myself after all. lol.

My general rule of thumb is if it's boring me, then it's going be boring for everyone else.

That's a very good rule of thumb, one I follow myself.
Sounds like you got a good head on your shoulders I'm sure you'll make good content. :)
Comedy gameplay - Scary gameplay. Otherwise previews, how to or reviews.
That is what I think people are looking for.
Preferably Comedic Scary Gameplay and Commentary
People love people reacting to scary things, especially if you make fun faces or noises when you get scared.
I like to see something different and unique. Earlier this year, I unsubscribed from this channel because their content just wasn't doing it for me. A couple of weeks later, they were doing something unique with another YouTuber and I re-subscribed.

I prefer it when the people are themselves. It is quite easy to tell when a person is forcing words out, is restricting what they are saying or is not interested in what they are playing.

Honestly, if you want your channel to be family friendly, still don't stop yourself from saying something funny/silly because you are worried about it. Say it. If you re-watch it and feel it isn't family friendly, cut it out. :)
I'm constantly looking to improve my channel in new ways to make even better! What are your thoughts on what a good gaming channel consists of?
I am not a gamer, not very into let's plays, and just not a huge fan of a genre, but there are those misnomer gaming channels that I DO enjoy. So as someone who's not a fan of the genre in general, what I need is a hilarious narration and a "not taking this seriously" attitude. I can't get into let's plays that are about the playing aspect, and I don't care for them when they aren't edited. Most gamers do one take vlogs, this leaves lots of down time that bores the pants off me. For a gaming channel to interest me it's all about the personality of the person playing the game, and I want the funniest moments to be all that's left in the vlog. Some people are clever and quick enough to keep my attention in one take but it's rare. I have also found a few gaming channels I enjoy because the chemistry between a few people is priceless. But things like talking for the characters, taking the premise of the game and exaggerating it into something ridiculous, things like that will cause me to actually be entertained, without those things I'm just like "is it my turn yet..."
I am not a gamer, not very into let's plays, and just not a huge fan of a genre, but there are those misnomer gaming channels that I DO enjoy. So as someone who's not a fan of the genre in general, what I need is a hilarious narration and a "not taking this seriously" attitude. I can't get into let's plays that are about the playing aspect, and I don't care for them when they aren't edited. Most gamers do one take vlogs, this leaves lots of down time that bores the pants off me. For a gaming channel to interest me it's all about the personality of the person playing the game, and I want the funniest moments to be all that's left in the vlog. Some people are clever and quick enough to keep my attention in one take but it's rare. I have also found a few gaming channels I enjoy because the chemistry between a few people is priceless. But things like talking for the characters, taking the premise of the game and exaggerating it into something ridiculous, things like that will cause me to actually be entertained, without those things I'm just like "is it my turn yet..."
Yeah I agree, I'm watching for the personality and if I learn something new about the game that's a bonus! I'm ADD too so I prefer my gaming videos not to reach over 5 mins, but if the people are crazy enough to keep my attention then I can watch for days. It sounds like you might like a gamer channel called pewdiepie, I don't know if you have herd of him or not but I really like him!