What catches your eye?

The title is more important than thumbnail to me. If it is titled properly I will glance at the thumbnail and as long as it does not make me cringe when I see it I usually click the video.
I tend to look at the thumbnail first I think.
Hmmm to my opinipn. First it's has to be the thumbnail if it's well done I'll go check that out first, but after going to the video if the quality of the video most good I'll would to a other video.
The person's personality if it sounds positive, happy or entertaining. Also depends on the video but I can't stand watching the fake overly excited and happy people you can tell they arent being honest with you about something and that's when I leave the video.
I think the thumbnails need to be interesting (a quality custom one) but also relevant to the content. I get turned off videos that have familiar, batch-produced thumbnails, such as the gaming ones where people include them pulling faces in each thumbnail.
I think the thumbnails need to be interesting (a quality custom one) but also relevant to the content. I get turned off videos that have familiar, batch-produced thumbnails, such as the gaming ones where people include them pulling faces in each thumbnail.
I see what you mean xD[DOUBLEPOST=1432591318,1432591277][/DOUBLEPOST]These are all great tips :) I get the idea!
It's the thumbnail that sells it. But, at times it's nothing more than click bait. When it was click bait I usually notice in the first few seconds, cut my losses and move on to another video.
An intriguing thumbnail and title will always reel me in, and the more they keep me interested with the content, the longer I keep watching!