What can i do to keep up?



So i had my channel before summer , it got like 85subs , but i was inactive all this time long ,so i did a new channel , but i have no video ideas , i want to make something easy and entertaining , but i got shool and exams so i can put more than 1 hour a day on YT , any ideas to grow until summer? (I got all kind of ideas for summer)
sorry the title reminded me of a music video ksi made...anyways what you could do is on one day wgen you know u are free just make a bunch of videos like at leas 5 or more and edit them on that day, what this does is that you dont have tto keep making videos every week thus you can focus on exams and things i know its hard as ive got exams coming up well mocks but keep up the good videos and dont give up
Since you have started a new channel, I would say to either do a travel vlog to show the audience how awesome are your days going before summer. You can also make gaming videos, I always prefer that. If you are FIFA fan, you can make a rant video on FIFA, you can also make review videos on any new mobile phones released. You just have to give priority to those ideas which you feel is most comfortable and confident to make. I think that I gave you many ideas. I hope I helped you.
Scheduling is your friend during busy periods! It can be very useful to help stay consistent because it allows you to do the hard work on a day you're not so busy.
The easiest type of video (for me) is one where I put the camera down and talk to it. So maybe some "story time" type of videos, where you tell something about yourself, or something that happened to you, or something?
Scheduling is your friend during busy periods! It can be very useful to help stay consistent because it allows you to do the hard work on a day you're not so busy.
This is what I do now, I stopped before for a mixture of reasons keeping up being one of them.

I am a chef who does a cooking show, this week the head chef is on holiday so I will be working lots extra, but I already have my video uploaded and scheduled to go Monday at 5 ( I chose Monday at 5 completely at random. So it might not be best for you to use that time. Idk.) So I don't need to worry about it all week.

I also have the next few videos shot and mostly edited. It is a relief compared with the last time I did this to know that I have everything under control. Ideally I would have videos scheduled for a few weeks in advance so I know I could have a week or three off if I had to.
Try to create a schedule and stick with it. Do all your filming one day in your free time then the next day edit your videos if needed. Consistency is key when having a YouTube channel and you gotta be consistent when uploading. Try uploading at least once a week if you can.