What camera do you use for vlogging?

I shall look into that sony, I have always fancied a gopro for cycling and driving videos bur for vlogs I'd be setting a sub £100 budget
That's true, I normally just have it mounted to a tripod but I've shot some videos while I was walking around.... it's hard to stay in focus though so I should very apature and very high iso with slow shutter speed... (moton blur and grainy but it gets the job done) honestly if I had a camcorder I would just use that

Why not set the lens for general focus or auto focus and set the shutter speed high. You'll get a much better look that way.
Why not set the lens for general focus

General focus i think is kinda what I'm doing. small aperture keeps more in focus then using a wider aperture cause it has a deep depth of field. But because I'm using a small aperture less light gets in so I would bump the iso up and lower the shutter speed to around 30 with a fps of 24 when I'm walking around. Like if I'm walking around outside and vlogging I guess I could keep the iso down and shutter speed up because the sun is so powerfully bright but inside that what I do, instead of my normal really wide aperture, low iso, 30fps shutter speed and 30fps. I use when it's on a tripod/I'm not the subject in the video I'm shooting)

or auto focus and set the shutter speed high.

Ummm cause auto focus on a dslr sucks.... likes allot. like really unwatchable. unless you have a STM lens like the Canon EF 40mm f/2.8 and a) i don't think thoses lens work with my DSLR and b) at this time STM lens kinda still suck compared to a camcorder.
Nicekid76 said:
Ummm cause auto focus on a dslr sucks.... likes allot. like really unwatchable. unless you have a STM lens like the Canon EF 40mm f/2.8 and a) i don't think thoses lens work with my DSLR and b) at this time STM lens kinda still suck compared to a camcorder.

I guess it is on the older models. The 6 series does a decent job in my experience, good enough for Vlogging anyway.
I use the Canon Vixia HF M31, usually with a lav mic and a basic 3 point light setup with softboxes.
The specs look good on the Bloggie, if you were to hold it in your arm, outstretched, pointing at you, how much background would there be behind you?
For my videos, I use a Canon 60D.
It has really great sounds, and video quality! It really is great (even with its automatic settings!!)
ah right :) the 60D looks nice though I was thinking for something a tad more mobile for out and about adventurey vlogging, thanks everyone for your suggestions :D