Gaming Want To Collaborate and grow your channel while having fun ?

Roz_Clear YT <that is my skype Roz_Clear < is my channel
hey i've been away for two days ive added you[DOUBLEPOST=1474553291,1474553233][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey dude wassup im 19 from the London.

Skype: reecehawkins11
hey i've been away for two days ive added you on skype[DOUBLEPOST=1474553354][/DOUBLEPOST]
Umm I really want to collab but I'm only 16 and have 62 subs. dunno if you want to collab with me
hey bud sorry ive been away just leave your skype name and i'll add you[DOUBLEPOST=1474553406][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey man I checked out your channel. Interested in collabing with you.
hey bud ive been away for a few days just leave your skype ill add you[DOUBLEPOST=1474553436][/DOUBLEPOST]
Skype - Relentless Achiever
sorry ive been away for a few days ive added you[DOUBLEPOST=1474553790][/DOUBLEPOST]
I pmed you on your channel dude. If you have discord we can talk there
i replied to your inbox bud ! =)
Definitely interested in doing a collab! Looks like the only game we have in common is Overwatch so if you want to get down and own some newbs and have a good time add me! My account is "Jaust#1631".

Email is if you want to get into more details. :) Hope to hear from you mate!
whats your skype?[DOUBLEPOST=1474753421,1474753399][/DOUBLEPOST]
Definitely interested in doing a collab! Looks like the only game we have in common is Overwatch so if you want to get down and own some newbs and have a good time add me! My account is "Jaust#1631".

Email is if you want to get into more details. :) Hope to hear from you mate!
added you[DOUBLEPOST=1474753444][/DOUBLEPOST]
I've PM'd you on Youtube.
thanks bud i've replied to you now[DOUBLEPOST=1474801098][/DOUBLEPOST]Thank You for everyone's support i won't be taking anyone else Skype i didn't expect that many reply's haha