Voice Acting Voice/Body Actors Needed for Minecraft Comedy Series!!!


Active Member
Hello everyone!

I am calling out to anyone who is a talented, funny voice actor who would be willing to lend me their voice for a Minecraft Comedy Series! Unfortunately, I am unable to give out specific details regarding this project, as I do not want to risk the chance of it getting stolen by another member. What I can tell you, however, is that this series will be a parody series of an already existing series on TV. If you are interested in helping with this project, then please contact me via Skype (Name is below). Of course, you will need to meet the requirements below if you wish to provide assistance with this project. This is because the project we are working on may not be very suitable for younger children. However, if you do meet the requirements, then feel free to contact me via Skype.

Skype: ikryptic_hd


Requirements: (Voice Actor)

MUST be 14+ years old.
MUST have a good quality mic.
MUST have Skype.
MUST speak English.
MUST have Audacity. (Free program)
MUST be online VERY regularly.


Requirements: (Body Actor)

MUST be 13+ years old.
MUST have Minecraft on PC.
MUST have Skype.
MUST be online VERY regularly.


If you meet the requirements, then great! This series is hopefully going to continue on for a couple of Seasons, so recording sessions will have to happen very frequently to ensure that we do not ever miss an upload. This series is a project that I take very seriously, so please only sign-up for acting if you are serious about helping out.

➝ Please note: I will not be paying actors for participating. If you decide to participate in our series, you will be doing it voluntarily.