Vlog Vlogging Collab Channel - 5 days a week

Hey guys :) I'm glad there is so many of you, I think we should all have a proper chat about everything soon, if there are any more people then that's great, we can talk about it all in more details soon! I will be free after I submit two of my university assignments after next week, and then we could get on with it!

If there are too many people we could extend this to 7 days a week, but I really would love this project to last quite a while, so I need to know that you will be available and won't suddenly quit. As much as I'd like every single one of you to take part in it, I may have to select 4/6 of you ... I don't know in what way as I want to be fair, I think that the best option would be to ask you guys to make a one minute video so it's easier and fair towards everyone.

So when we finally have the group of 5 or 7 people we can decide on the name and branding of the channel and further aspects! I am super excited about this and can't wait to start it!
Hey guys :) I'm glad there is so many of you, I think we should all have a proper chat about everything soon, if there are any more people then that's great, we can talk about it all in more details soon! I will be free after I submit two of my university assignments after next week, and then we could get on with it!

If there are too many people we could extend this to 7 days a week, but I really would love this project to last quite a while, so I need to know that you will be available and won't suddenly quit. As much as I'd like every single one of you to take part in it, I may have to select 4/6 of you ... I don't know in what way as I want to be fair, I think that the best option would be to ask you guys to make a one minute video so it's easier and fair towards everyone.

So when we finally have the group of 5 or 7 people we can decide on the name and branding of the channel and further aspects! I am super excited about this and can't wait to start it!


...oops left caps-lock on lol
Haha, that's cool :P

Ok guys, there's going to be a video on my channel within the next 10-15 minutes please apply by creating a video response!!! :)
If you want it 7 days a week then you should pick as many as possible and choose who blogs on certain days. That ways if someone misses a day or suddenly quits you have a lot of people to take their place.
If you want it 7 days a week then you should pick as many as possible and choose who blogs on certain days. That ways if someone misses a day or suddenly quits you have a lot of people to take their place.

Yeah that's very true, however the quality and personality is also important! I may choose some people to be acting as a "replacement" in case someone can't do the vlog or drops out :) Thanks
Alright I am interested. What is the first topic going to be? Or do you not have that information yet? I'll hit you up on your channel just in case you don't see this.
We will decide on the topics and everything else once I know who's in, and I am planning to start in June/July. I know it's summer time so people may be going away and stuff, but that's why I want to have a few extra people so they could replace someone if he or she is not available on the day they should make a video.