First of all, I don't like lying; probably did too much of it as a Secondly, I like doing things the right way; so providing YouTube admin with what they were asking for wasn't that hard, more of an annoyance. And you might be surprised at what some companies will do when they see Google trying to crawl up the bum of one of their good customers.
The incident in question happened a half year after the video involved had been monetized in the first place; so why it happened at that point in time, and with such vehemence on the part of YouTube admin, is beyond me. They de-monetized three videos in my main Tonal Sound Healing series of that time, querying their commercial usage rights, yet left others in the same series alone. All had been made the same way, and with the same software, only a few weeks apart...go figure. It happened in early 2012, and the videos had been made near the end of 2011.