Video Views bug?


Hey, Is there any knows bug in youtube about the amount of views on a video?

Cuz i just went from like 150 views to 2600 views on one video over a night. and from 70 to 2400 on another video in the same time.

I did uber share thoose videos on forums, social media and such as much as i can during the last 2 days but the forums posts it self doesn't even have that many views on it. Or have some muppet just left a view bot on there not doing any good?
Youtube's Views are always buggy. If there is an influx in views it will take some time for it to catch up and become exact, so there is a possibility that this may be the case. I wouldn't worry too much about it :D

Youtube's Views are always buggy. If there is an influx in views it will take some time for it to catch up and become exact, so there is a possibility that this may be the case. I wouldn't worry too much about it :D

Well alright then ;) Thanks for respond :p