Video Editors???


Active Member
What do you recommend for video editors? Are free software services just as good as the ones you pay for? What do you use?

Thanks guys
I use Adobe Premier Pro, personally. Although I hear Hitfilm or DaVinci Resolve (free alternatives) are quite good.
I also use Adobe Premiere, it can be a bit buggy sometimes, but at the end of the day it gets the job done. Free Editors that come to mind would be: Lighworks, Hitfilm, Avidemux,Shotcut and the ones that
@Fissshie recommended.
I also use Adobe Premiere, it can be a bit buggy sometimes, but at the end of the day it gets the job done. Free Editors that come to mind would be: Lighworks, Hitfilm, Avidemux,Shotcut and the ones that
@Fissshie recommended.
What bugs do you have with APP? I haven't really found any bugs with my software so I'm actually pretty curious.
I use Sony Vegas Pro 15, but I also love Adobe Premier Pro when it comes to school projects. =] All really depends on your choice of preference, tools and the interface. Good luck in finding that editor bud.
There's a sticky thread in the Video Editing forum that's over 100 pages of suggestions from free to paid, I would check that out. I'm sure you'll find something in there haha.
Hitfilm Express 2017 is the only video editor that I have ever used. I can't recommend it enough. So good for something that is free. ☺️
What bugs do you have with APP? I haven't really found any bugs with my software so I'm actually pretty curious.

Uhmm, Premiere can be really picky when it comes to Audio/Video Format, 80 % of the time I work with personal recorded gaming footage, we are talking extremely large files AVI/PCM. Sometimes I have to deal with MP4 stuff so I have to convert all the material. Also, my CPU needs to be extremely stable or I risk the encoder crashing on me, let’s just say I have a overclocking problem:cold:.

Very circumstantial stuff, I learned to deal with almost everything through trial and error, guides or bashing my head against a wall for 3 days until I solve said problem, bug or whatever comes my way, until the final product comes 95 % the way I want.