Upload faster?

Very true, but I have both installed so it's fine for me, and for a 400 minute upload time video it can be significant.

I can see that :p if you have the money, though, upgrading your internet is the best solution. You don't need very expensive internet to have a 15 minute video up in an hour / hour and a half.
Thank you Simon! Very helpful :) how long would it take to upload your 5 minute movie

Aww yay :)
Umm well, minutes, 5-10minutes at the most
(but we have BT Infinity broadband here which is apparently the God tier of internet speed, or something :P )
When i go back to Uni it might be worse XD
I use Final Cut Pro as well and have no problems with compression. Just do a Google search for compression settings for Final Cut Pro.
Even with 1080p videos, you should be able to get it considerably lower than 2GB.
Yeah it's quite a long video as well as the quality! I use final cut pro, I'm sure there's a way to compress them on that..
Which Final Cut Pro?

Export to H.264

A 5 min video should only be around 300MB

First start with File>Export>Using Quicktime Conversion

Format>Quicktime Movie

Then use these setting in this screenshot of my export setting for FCP7

You should come out with very small and decent quality video.
All of our videos up until the last month have been exported using those settings. Now we use Premier CS6, so the export settings are slightly different, but produce the same results!

Hope this helps!!
