Upload faster?

If you immediately record then upload from the base recording its a large file, try popping it through movie maker without editing it.
If you've already done that then i'd advise, use Google Chrome (Google linked with YouTube=Faster uploading) and try to either put your laptop close to your router or upload via your desktop PC.
Thank you! I'll remember to do that one in the future. I got it sorted with an app called hand breaker...it reduced the size ALOT and now it's being uploaded super quick! Bravo.
Thank you! I'll remember to do that one in the future. I got it sorted with an app called hand breaker...it reduced the size ALOT and now it's being uploaded super quick! Bravo.
Nice, I had this before, I recorded with Fraps and started to upload the base file, said 1000 or so minutes. Put it through Movie Maker without changing it and it doesn't even reduce the quality, down to 150 minutes!
Nice, I had this before, I recorded with Fraps and started to upload the base file, said 1000 or so minutes. Put it through Movie Maker without changing it and it doesn't even reduce the quality, down to 150 minutes!
Wow! can you get movie maker for mac since it's windows?
There's no way for you to upload a video (without changing it) any faster than your internet connection allows, unless you upgrade your internet. However, length and quality of the video will make a difference on the size of the file you have to upload. If you edit out what you can of your video, you can shorten it. Also, if you can make it work, you can cut the video in half and upload two different parts. If you're uploading in 1080p, you should reduce it to 720p. For me, the difference in quality is insignificant to how large it makes the file and how long it makes the render time.
There's no way for you to upload a video (without changing it) any faster than your internet connection allows, unless you upgrade your internet. However, length and quality of the video will make a difference on the size of the file you have to upload. If you edit out what you can of your video, you can shorten it. Also, if you can make it work, you can cut the video in half and upload two different parts. If you're uploading in 1080p, you should reduce it to 720p. For me, the difference in quality is insignificant to how large it makes the file and how long it makes the render time.
Wrong, Google Chrome uploads faster, but its not a significant amount, for a 100 minute upload it might reduce it to 96/97 minutes.