Thumbnail with fonts are they considered copyright?

Johhny Vegas

Active Member
Hey guys i just wanted to ask about youtube thumbnails and the fonts if i download a font and use it in my thumbnail how do i know whether the font is copyrighted or not the font am using is bebas nueue and i read liecense said i could use i also went to the creator of thumbnail and asked him if i could use it for videos commercial ads he said i could. So do u guys think this could affect in the future or now
Hey guys i just wanted to ask about youtube thumbnails and the fonts if i download a font and use it in my thumbnail how do i know whether the font is copyrighted or not the font am using is bebas nueue and i read liecense said i could use i also went to the creator of thumbnail and asked him if i could use it for videos commercial ads he said i could. So do u guys think this could affect in the future or now
Some fonts you do have to buy the rights to use ;)
is just letters, no body cares.. :) and theyre not gonna know what kind of fun your using..
Fonts can be copyrighted just like music and video. Some are an open license and others are not. Saying it's just letters, nobody cares is several levels of wrong. It's more a case of nobody cares because you're too small to worry about. Use a copyrighted font and then start to do really well, expect people coming for royalty cheques when it's far too late to go back and edit the font in all of your videos.

Stick to the free ones. I believe Bebas is an open license font.

Just be cautious when looking for new ones, that's all.
There are Tools that compare Pictures/Font/Filesize and then can tell you how much those two does Match. What was done in the past in Hours and Days can nowadays take a few Seconds if you are using an Server Farm and some Copyright Holders are using those Tools.
I wouldn't say a fonts are an issue, even if some are copyrighted.
But if you're unsure, make sure to use free-to-use fonts :)