Tell us YOUR story of creating a video!

How much is fraps?
£25 / $40

For gameplay:
  1. Record gameplay and voice-over with Fraps
  2. Import to Vegas Pro
  3. Add background music and adjust voice vs. music dB levels accordingly
  4. Add some amazinggg special effects
  5. Add intro+outro templates
  6. Watch video before render and edit stuff I don't like
  7. Render + Upload to YouTube
For DawnCraft:
  1. Build an idea in Minecraft
  2. Record using CameraStudio mod (<33) + Fraps for reveal
  3. Add moar special effects, music etc.
  4. Watch, render, upload bla bla bla
  5. Make timelapse edition
For gaming news:
  1. Research
  2. Jot down important parts
  3. Record my commentary
  4. Edit template
  5. Watch video before render and edit
  6. Render + Upload to YouTube
For music {AuqaMedia):
  1. Create song
  2. Load into After Effects template
  3. Render (takes so long in AE T_T)
  4. Import to Vegas Pro
  5. Add edits
  6. Render, again, and upload to YouTube.
Each process usually takes 2-3 hours... I tend to get distracted though... :x Having 2 screens and a Twitter window open does NOT help ;_;
I am huge on preproduction, and if you can do most of the work in preproduction you will spend less time behind the camera and less time in post/editing. I always write down my video ideas, write down what I want to say and what points I need to cover.
I usually don't write a script because sometimes that gets a little too monotone and can sound like a robot and your personality can't come through.
I also write down and particular camera angles that I want in preproduction.
After I am done with preproduction, I set up the scene, if I need lights I will set up lights, etc.
I shoot the video.
Edit the video in Adobe Premiere Pro
Upload to YouTube.

Like I said, I am big on preproduction and doing a lot of the work before hand rather than waste time, SD Card space, and PC time editing and redoing shots.

That is for my Tech/Main Channel.
For my gaming channel I just get an idea of what I want to do in an episode/Let's Play.
I test out the equipment to make sure it's working, then I record.
Edit in Premiere, upload to my gaming channel, PlayerSelectGaming.
1. I force myself to think of a decent script
2. I set up my camera
3. Focus on my fab a** face
4. Blab
5. open up video editor
6. [explicit]
7. upload
Okay this is how I made the video in my signature (check it out!)

1-I took my camera out to the city with me and recorded a bunch of clips
2-I put the SD card in my laptop and put all the clips on my harddrive.
3-I picked a song
4-I dropped all the clips and music into Sony Vegas Pro 9
5-I put them on the tracks and cut them up to the beat
6-Added some transitions and effects

VIOLA...a video
1. I record the game, and say hi. Tell them what we will be playing.
2. Ending is me saying thanks, and subscribe.
3. I edit in camtasia
4. I render it as an mp4 file
5. I upload it to youtube
6. I post it on my social sites
7. I show my friends
8. I add it to a playlist
9. I set it as featured video.
My videos take a while to be honest. I create a basic script so I know what I'm talking about. I then film all the shots I require along with the script. I then film extra clips that I can use as picture in picture effects etc. I then move this into my editing program and edit the video together to produce the final video, before uploading to youtube and creating a custom thumbnail image.
A 15min video can take me the best part of a day depending on how much detail is needed to cover the review. I'm in the process of uploading another video which I had to thoroughly test beforehand and its taken the best part of several days to just film all the sections required!
1. Load up After Effects
2. Start to animate ponies
3. Render
4. Sleep
5. Upload

That's the basics of how I upload my videos currently.
I create a variety of videos with each type having it's own unique workflow.

Channel: "NESAtlas"
1. Record uncompressed, raw footage from emulator
2. Find/Edit an atlas map
3. Stitch frame-by-frame raw footage over atlas map
4. Adjust colors / Frame cropping / Add off-screen animations
5. Edit Intro / Ending
6. Render & Upload
Total Runtime: 4 to 20+ hours (Not including rendering/uploading)

Channel: "InsaneEdition"
1. Find & download video to loop
2. Edit seamless audio & video transitions
3. Render & Upload
Total Runtime: 1 to 4 hours (Not including downloading/rendering/uploading)

Channel: "TrackingTime"
1. Record video / Time lapse photography
2. Import videos / pictures and adjust time lapse settings
3. Edit Intro / Ending
4. Render & Upload
Total Runtime: 1 to 12 hours (Fully inclusive)

Channel: "MrAndyDick" (These steps are only for my "Single-Source Remix" type videos)
1. Download source video
2. Extract Audio
3. Chop up & sample audio into individual sections
4. Rebuild and mix audio sampled "beats" into a song
5. Chop up video into sections
6. Import song / video clips into After Effects
7. Match clips to the beat of the song
8. Render & Upload
Total Runtime: 6 to 20+ hours (Not including downloading/rendering/uploading)

I'd post an example of each type, but I still can't post links yet.