Gaming Super Power eSports Is Recruiting Gaming Content Creators


Hey Creators,

My name is Shurikex I'm Co Founder of Super Power eSports currently this organization has been raising behind the scenes at a rapid phase I'm in charge of the Social Media/Content for this organization but recently I been thinking I like video games but what I like the most is entertaining the environment.Me and the other second Co Founder of Super Power eSports have been thinking about doing something that is rarely done with YouTube and social media period.We wanna make a team of content creators and unique as one to make the best YouTube content out there is better to have multiple people doing in rather than just one we gonna get to the top as a team and should the world that little things do make so if your a content creator and you like doing videos and enjoy doing it contact me @ By the way spots will be limited we are looking for around 2-3 content creators and that's it so don't hold back see you on the other side.​

