The Outcome

Hi guys, I've actually made my first 100 subs a few weeks back and I thought it was impossible for my niche (motivation), to actually break out of the 0-30 views per video range. As a YouTube idiot, I did not have any one to guide me and struggled awhile before actually finding some detailed advice as to how to start growing a YouTube channel fast. I know its no big deal for many people to get 100 subs, but if you check out plenty of threads, you'll see that the first 100 subs are the hardest to attain. Okay enough yapping, here are some tips that have helped me :)

1. Find a niche that is in line with your passion.
This is extremely important because the first, is that you enjoy what you do. I'm not saying numbers are not important but if you do it for the numbers, its only a matter of time before you realise that you lose the fun in making YouTube videos and are demoralised with the amount of views you're getting at the start. So rule number one is to love what you're doing and have fun. "If you do what you love, you'll never have to work a single day in your life."

2. Quality Content
Here is the something that has been said repeatedly but yet remains one of the most overlooked factors. If you have plenty of reach but your content is not entertaining or does not achieve its purpose (entertain, educate, motivate, e.g), your viewers won't turn to subscribers. A good way to achieve quality content is ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Does my content do what it is supposed to do?

Has your video made viewers learn something or have a great time when they're watching it? Because if it doesn't, I can assure you many big channels are already achieving that and hence many subscribers.

2. When you watch the video, can you RELATE to it?

Now this one is a biggie. If you yourself cannot relate to your own video, how will viewers feel what you're
trying to make them feel? Be it happy, sad or whatever, a video is ultimately an expression of an idea that
you have and viewers need to feel your passion for the idea that you're trying to convey. Cliche, I know.
But its very crucial.

3. Does it engage the audience?

We all watch movies that are 3 hours long but makes you feel that it was too short. That's because the
director makes you relate (point 2) to the character, and what's more makes you emotionally invest in it.
I won't go into detail about how to do because its different for every channel, but even gaming channels sometimes get you sitting at the edge of your seat because you're worried/excited or whatever. Engage them, and make them feel like part of what's happening. Sit down and analyse how you can do that.

3. Comment and comment and comment.

This method can is often underestimated and here's why. Many YouTubers will upload content and think that
"if my quality is good, they will share it and subscribe." This can't be further from the truth. You need quality
and you need reach. Even if you make the best videos, but no one knows about it, that's not going to work.
Comment on big channels in your niche when they do a recent upload and that'll make your presence felt.
Comment interesting things about the video, or funny comments. Everyone could use a little humour.
DO NOT self-advertise. This has the complete reverse effect and will make viewers feel you're desperate.
Watch the video and be genuine about it.

These methods make differences towards your channel growth and YouTube is a community just like yttalk. You have to be active and people will support you if they like your personality, work, and if you're genuine.
Lastly, NEVER EVER GIVE UP. Some things just take time. If you'd like to read a very detailed guide that has helped me, I would put a link below and you should definitely read it when you have the time. No amount of learning is enough. Keep learning and keep striving guys. See you guys at the top ;)
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This is really great tips and I agree 100%:) Number 1 "find a niche in line with your passion" is the most important IMO. If you have the passion you will continue even when YouTubing gets tough (and yes it will get tough:)) But if you do it because you like it you are in good shape:up2:
Hi guys, I've actually made my first 100 subs a few weeks back and I thought it was impossible for my niche (motivation), to actually break out of the 0-30 views per video range. As a YouTube idiot, I did not have any one to guide me and struggled awhile before actually finding some detailed advice as to how to start growing a YouTube channel fast. I know its no big deal for many people to get 100 subs, but if you check out plenty of threads, you'll see that the first 100 subs are the hardest to attain. Okay enough yapping, here are some tips that have helped me :)

1. Find a niche that is in line with your passion.
This is extremely important because the first, is that you enjoy what you do. I'm not saying numbers are not important but if you do it for the numbers, its only a matter of time before you realise that you lose the fun in making YouTube videos and are demoralised with the amount of views you're getting at the start. So rule number one is to love what you're doing and have fun. "If you do what you love, you'll never have to work a single day in your life."

2. Quality Content
Here is the something that has been said repeatedly but yet remains one of the most overlooked factors. If you have plenty of reach but your content is not entertaining or does not achieve its purpose (entertain, educate, motivate, e.g), your viewers won't turn to subscribers. A good way to achieve quality content is ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Does my content do what it is supposed to do?

Has your video made viewers learn something or have a great time when they're watching it? Because if it doesn't, I can assure you many big channels are already achieving that and hence many subscribers.

2. When you watch the video, can you RELATE to it?

Now this one is a biggie. If you yourself cannot relate to your own video, how will viewers feel what you're
trying to make them feel? Be it happy, sad or whatever, a video is ultimately an expression of an idea that
you have and viewers need to feel your passion for the idea that you're trying to convey. Cliche, I know.
But its very crucial.

3. Does it engage the audience?

We all watch movies that are 3 hours long but makes you feel that it was too short. That's because the
director makes you relate (point 2) to the character, and what's more makes you emotionally invest in it.
I won't go into detail about how to do because its different for every channel, but even gaming channels sometimes get you sitting at the edge of your seat because you're worried/excited or whatever. Engage them, and make them feel like part of what's happening. Sit down and analyse how you can do that.

3. Comment and comment and comment.

This method can is often underestimated and here's why. Many YouTubers will upload content and think that
"if my quality is good, they will share it and subscribe." This can't be further from the truth. You need quality
and you need reach. Even if you make the best videos, but no one knows about it, that's not going to work.
Comment on big channels in your niche when they do a recent upload and that'll make your presence felt.
Comment interesting things about the video, or funny comments. Everyone could use a little humour.
DO NOT self-advertise. This has the complete reverse effect and will make viewers feel you're desperate.
Watch the video and be genuine about it.

These methods make differences towards your channel growth and YouTube is a community just like yttalk. You have to be active and people will support you if they like your personality, work, and if you're genuine.
Lastly, NEVER EVER GIVE UP. Some things just take time. If you'd like to read a very detailed guide that has helped me, I would put a link below and you should definitely read it when you have the time. No amount of learning is enough. Keep learning and keep striving guys. See you guys at the top ;)

Nice tips!
I can attest to these and have done it myself as well. They are good tips regardless whether you are reaching your first 100 or 1000 subs. Also if i might add, reply to comments as much as you can both the good ones and negative ones as well.
I can attest to these and have done it myself as well. They are good tips regardless whether you are reaching your first 100 or 1000 subs. Also if i might add, reply to comments as much as you can both the good ones and negative ones as well.
So true. Being involved in the community is a huge part of growing your YT channel :)