Some advice on the social aspects of a YouTube channel.

Luyt TV

Well-Known Member
I have recently decided to start a channel to explore the creative platform that is YouTube and for that sole purpose. I've been promoting it on Twitter and got 300 followers in 3 days. Yet the other day my one friend found the page and asked me about it and i explained my plans and he laughed. Next thing i know the people i thought closest to me were laughing at the idea of a channel. And it hasn't even been started properly yet.

So I've started this thread for some advice on the matter as i know I'm probably not the only one who's experienced this.
If they make fun of you then they are not really that great of a friend you know?

If you want to do it do it. It's your life not theirs.

Luckily for me i'm pretty much a shut in when it comes to people so I did not have to experience what you're going through. Hope it works out in the end!
Yeah i totally get you. Their choice of approach was never going to affect me, it's just harsh that i thought more of them. still got some really close friends though who support me no matter what and this is a collab channel with my bro so it is still going through. thanks for the time to give some advice.
oh dear that's not particularly nice of you friends...
Actually I've been pretty afraid to fully come out with my channel as well. Mainly because it has some minor personal stuff in there and my family is not really openminded. My best friend knows about my channel and supports me all the way and we have similar interest in the theme of my channel.

Since september I've been trying to be more casual about it to my family and 'friends' and I've noticed there not that interested... My parents are not that into internet, so the whole youtube thing they don't really get I think. And aside from that one best friend, I'm not that close with anybody else. I try to be more casual about it because I feel that something I love, I should not hide but I do feel it's hard sometimes not be judged when you accustom to that kind of treatment from others.