Small problem

I have to this problem where, as I start editing, I start saying to myself, "This is crap, scrap it", this happens with every video I make and although i know why i can't seem to fix it.
The reason this happens is because I keep trying to be someone else in my videos, im unsatisfied with myself, i think im too boring, so i try to be like other youtubers in my video, but when im editing i see how "not me or them" it is and it makes me see it as bad. how can i fix this? it's really starting to effect my videos, as you'll see in the next one i upload (sometime this weekend)
omg... we might need to chat about this in real time. My first 6 months on youtube? SAME DAMN THING. I'd get the vlogs going, I'd get into editing, I'd start picking at myself. I didn't like where I was looking in this section, I'm not real enough, I think I'm fake seeming, I'm too over the top, I act like a dork, I'm not cool enough, and on and on and on and on, I'd be EMBARRASSED of the vlogs. I'd put em up anyway, but then I'd purposefully not watch them, I didn't want to see my horribly embarrassing vlog.
Then I grew in confidence in time, got to where I could watch the vlogs back and be happy with them. I had this idea in my head "Well I'm finally where I wanna be as a vlogger, too bad I have so many embarrassing vlogs up" And still wouldn't watch the older ones. FINALLY, one day I was like "man, let's just see what the older vlogs were like" I watched them back? I loved them! I could see the things I was so bothered by before, but suddenly saw how they come off totally different when you aren't YOU. When you step away, and get objective, you can finally see how your flaws can actually be charming, it's just so hard to see it when you're right there making it, knowing it's about to be public, knowing it's about to be judged by the community. Just do your best, and TRUST YOU. That's all I know to tell you. I didn't do that, and felt alot of needless worry because of it.
I feel like in a way you do have to have a sort of persona in front of the camera or whatever it is. I'm not saying don't be yourself, but you're there to entertain and you're not usually always trying to entertain someone. So you should first be comfortable in your own skin before you do the other part. Just keep working at trying to make a product you're happy with, and if you're not, keep trying. That's the only way it'll get better.
It's this weird balance. Your persona must be YOU. Totally YOU. Just you UNINHIBITED. It's you doing voices, you being silly, you playing around, you pulling your passion out. And it's HARD. Over think it and you're gonna over shoot it, under think it and you're gonna flub the vlog. It took me SO LONG, to get to where my persona was coming out more or less right. And it's still not perfect, I'd say I'm like... I'm at the home stretch. Almost there.
Here's a funny study... A study showed that of test takers, when faced with a test question which answer choices have been ruled down to two, that chose one answer and moments later go back to change their answer (due to doubt), most of the student realized post-testing that their original answer was, the correct answer.
This just goes to show you that you should believe in yourself and unless you have a largely alarming reason to do so, you should stick with it. ;)

Don't worry, I just started Youtube a month or so ago and all I was doing was asking myself, "Is it ok?", "Is it bad?", "Should I take it down?", etc., etc., blah, blah. I still am considering deleting my first few videos. I only have like 12 or 13 videos! It's just me being me and constantly doubting my abilities, because I set high standards, and I hate to disappoint myself. You have to just start believing that you are the shitzu... dog. You have to fake it til you make it--in this case, the upload. Tell yourself, "Man, this is the greatest piece of work evar!! Rawr! Dinosaur growl!" It's hard not to judge your work because you made it and you know where you came short and where you can improve. I understand that but you should try see the good parts about your videos.
Here's a funny study... A study showed that of test takers, when faced with a test question which answer choices have been ruled down to two, that chose one answer and moments later go back to change their answer (due to doubt), most of the student realized post-testing that their original answer was, the correct answer.
This just goes to show you that you should believe in yourself and unless you have a largely alarming reason to do so, you should stick with it. ;)
It happens to everyone from time to time, we always want make our videos the best way possible. Keep making them and you will improve with practice :)
Yea when I film a lot of the time I go to edit and find myself boring or not as I pictured. But I've noticed for me is when I am full of energy is when My best comes out, and have that same admirable energy that other bigger people have. I'm certainly being myself but its a more energized confident me. The bad ones I still occasionally put up anyway but some I cant stand how its going and I delete it and tell myself to try it again later and know what not to do the next time and what to
I think our expectations have a lot to do with the fact that inside our mind, where we come up with the video ideas and everything, we have this perfect picture of what the video will look like. That's not usually how things turn out, because our imagination doesn't have the constraints of time, equipment, etc that we do when we start turning those ideas into the real thing. So don't focus on being a perfect version of you that your brain made up, focus on enjoying yourself and having fun with what you are doing. Because when you enjoy yourself, your viewers will enjoy themselves too. :)